This edition contains quaestiones 1-5 of book III of the commentary on the Sentences, by Marsilius of Inghen (†1396), the founding rector and first doctor of theology of the University of Heidelberg. These questions are devoted to the Christology, Mariology, and Trinitology, and deal with the issue of the Incarnation of Christ, with quaestiones 1-3 considering it in relation to the individual Persons of the Trinity, and quaestiones 4-5 in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In all questions, Marsilius advocates the
via media of sound faith, even above any school traditions.
Hanna Wojtczak obtained her PhD in 1995, defending her thesis at the Catholic University of Lublin. She serves as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Maciej Stanek obtained his PhD in 2015 at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, and is currently assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy at that university.
Introduction 1 Notes on Doctrinal Content: Christology
2 General Remarks concerning Marsilius of Inghen’s Commentary on Peter Lombard’s
Sentences 3 Description of the Sources Containing qu. 1–5 of Marsilius of Inghen’s Commentary on the
Sentences 4 Relationship among the Copies and Choice of the Basic Manuscript
5 Editorial Rules
6 Descriptio Fontium
7 Abbreviationes et Sigla
Quaestiones super tertium librum Sententiarum Q. 1 Utrum regnum increatum quod nisi fuissent crimina, non fuisset incarnatum, plus perfecerit regnum creatum, quam si sine crimine stetisset immaculatum
Q. 2 Utrum sicut solus Filius naturam hominis assumpsit, sic Pater et Spiritus Sanctus eandem naturam assumere potuerit
Q. 3 Utrum sicut Filius quamlibet aliam naturam in unitatem suppositi assumere potuit, sic in ipso inter personam assumentem et assumptam naturam unio media fuit
Q. 4 Utrum sicut a Virgine potentia peccandi extitit ablata, sic ipsa cum Filio in suis parentibus extitit decimata
Q. 5 Utrum sicut nullis praecedentibus meritis patrum Verbum incarnatum est, sic ad Verbi incarnationem Virgo Mater in aliquod operata sit
Bibliographia Indices
Specialists in the field of medieval studies and theology and all interested in the late-medieval philosophy and theology. Keywords: Marsilius of Inghen's theology, commentary on Peter Lombard's Sentences, theology of the 14th century, Mariology, Christology, Trinitology, University of Paris, University of Heidelberg.