The English-German collection
Herder on Empathy and Sympathy:
Einfühlung und Sympathie im Denken Herders considers the meaning and role of the concepts of empathy and sympathy in Herder’s thought. Herder invokes sympathy in a number of disciplinary domains ranging from metaphysics, biology, anthropology, epistemology, psychology, morality, politics, history, aesthetics to homiletics. While Herder is shown as belonging to a long line of thinkers who view sympathy as a metaphysical principle contributing to the interconnectedness of all parts of nature, he also offers new insights about intra-/inter-species sympathetic communication and distinctively human varieties of sympathy for which he reserves the term “sich einfühlen”. Acknowledging the limits of the natural capacity for “sich einfühlen”, Herder nonetheless calls for its reflective cultivation in various domains.
Eva Piirimäe, Ph.D. (2007, University of Cambridge), is Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Tartu. She has published many articles on Johann Gottfried Herder and the Enlightenment and has co-edited journal special issues on early modern political thought.
Liina Lukas, Ph.D. (2006, University of Tartu), is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Tartu. Her research interests include Estonian-German literary transfer, Estonian and Baltic-German literature with focus on the 18th and 19th century. She has co-edited books about political and ecological thinking in Baltic literary culture.
Johannes Schmidt, Ph.D. (2000, Hamburg University), is Professor of German at Clemson University where he teaches literature, culture, language, and general humanities courses. He has published on 18th-century German literature, Johann Gottfried Herder, and is the co-editor of the
Herder Yearbook.
Acknowledgements Abbreviations Contributors
Introduction: Historicism, Stoicism and Contemporary Perspectives Eva Piirimäe
part 1: Sympathy as a Natural Principle
The Ontological Foundations of Herder’s Concept of Sympathy Nigel DeSouza
Sympathie. Zur Palingenesie stoischen Denkens in Herders Kalligone Marion Heinz
Mensch, Tier und Welt als “Saitenspiel”. Das akustische Phänomen der Sympathie beim jungen Herder Clémence Couturier-Heinrich
Sympathy for Animals and Savages in Herder’s Treatise on the Origin of Language Yael Almog
part 2: Human Sympathy and Empathy
“Diversus cum diversis”: John Barclays Icon animorum (1614) und Herders Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte Wolfgang Proß
Ist Einfühlung für Herder eine Methode des Verstehens? Liisa Steinby
On Extending Sympathy: Herder, Mencius and Adam Smith Sonia Sikka
Herder’s Political Ideas and the Organic Development of Religions and Governments Johannes Schmidt
Sympathie, Antipathie und Empathie in Herders Rigaer Predigten. Am Beispiel der Abschiedspredigt von 1769 Kaspar Renner
“[…] mit Treue, Lust und Liebe”. Einfühlung in das Volkslied Liina Lukas
Bibliography Index of Herder’s Works Index of Names Index of Subjects
All interested in Herder’s metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, homiletics, poetics, hermeneutics, and moral and political ideas, and anyone concerned with eighteenth-century sentimentalism, historicism, and the early modern reception of Stoicism. Keywords: Johann Gottfried Herder, empathy, "Einfühlung", sympathy, historicism, Enlightenment, Stoicism, imagination, historical enquiry, historical understanding, German idealism, sentimentalism, moral sentiments, sensuous idealism, folksong.