Jesuit Superior General Luis Martín García and His Memorias

“Showing Up”


Fr. Luis Martín García was superior general of the Society of Jesus during one of the most fractious periods in western history, from 1892 to his death in 1906. Fortunately for both the church and his order, he was endowed with remarkable gifts of mind and spirit. He was also troubled with personal challenges that he had to face almost entirely on his own. As an aid, he kept a memoir, prodigious in both size and content, to be published posthumously. The memoir appeared in a critical Spanish edition in 1988. In this present book, David Schultenover provides a condensed English version of it along with an interpretation that engages the question, why would a Jesuit superior general leave to posterity such a candid memoir? The subtitle “Showing Up” provides a clue.

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David G. Schultenover, S.J., PhD (1975), is professor emeritus of historical theology at Marquette University. His publications on Roman Catholic Modernism include George Tyrrell: In Search of Catholicism (1981) and A View from Rome: On the Eve of the Modernist Crisis (1993). He served as editor-in-chief of Theological Studies from 2006 to 2016.
“David Schultenover, S.J.’s monumental study of the Jesuit superior general Luis Martín (1846–1906) leaves all students of modern Jesuit, Catholic, and Spanish history in his debt. […] This archival and editorial triumph will inform the work of the next generation of historians of Spanish Catholicism, at a minimum, but should influence scholars of the modern Catholic world more generally.”
John T. McGreevy, University of Notre Dame. In: Journal of Jesuit Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2022), pp. 299–302.

“By any measure, this work is monumental. […] It is an invaluable resource for historians of nineteenth-century Spain, modernization and laicism, church-state conflict, religion and religious life, mentalities and emotions.”
Stephen Schloesser, Loyola University Chicago. In: Church History, 2022.

List of Abbreviations
Introduction: “Showing Up”

Period 1. Formation, 1846–78: Melgar, Burgos, Loyola, Vals, Poyanne

1 Childhood, 1846–55
2 Latin School, 1855–58
3 Philosophy, 1858–61
4 Theology, 1861–64
5 Luis Martín’s Vocation to the Society of Jesus
6 Novitiate, Year 1, 1864–65
7 Novitiate, Year 2, 1865–66
8 Juniorate, 1866–68
9 Philosophy, 1868–70
  1 First Year of Philosophy—Vals, France, 1868–69
  2 Second Year of Philosophy—Poyanne, France, 1869–70
10 Regency: professor of Rhetoric, 1870–73
  1 Academic Year 1, 1870–71
  2 Academic Year 2, 1871–72
  3 Academic Year 3, 1872–73
11 Study of Theology, 1873–77
  1 First and Second Years of Theology, 1873–75
  2 Third Year of Theology, 1875–76
  3 Fourth Year of Theology, 1876–77
12 Third Probation (Tertianship), 1877–78

Period 2. Professor and Superior, 1878–86: Poyanne, Salamanca, Bilbao

13 Professor of Theology, 1878–80
  1 First Year, 1878–79
  2 Second Year, 1879–80
14 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: Year 1, 1880–81
15 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: year 2, 1881–82
16 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: year 3, 1882–83. Semester 1, Centenary of Saint Teresa
17 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: year 3, 1882–83. Semester 2
18 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: year 4, 1883–84
19 Seminary Rector in Salamanca: year 5, 1884–85
20 Bilbao: director of the Messenger , 1885–86
21 Bilbao: superior in Deusto, Trip to Italy, 1886

Period 3. Provincialate, 1886–91: Valladolid

22 Provincialate: year 1, December 1886–July 1887
23 Provincialate: year 1, July to December 1887
24 Provincialate: year 2, January to June 1888
25 Provincialate: year 2, July to September 1888
26 Provincialate: works in Loyola, Deusto, Bilbao, 1887–88
27 Provincialate: year 3, January to June 1889
28 Provincialate: year 3, Semester 2, 1889
29 The Residence of Santander and the College of Gijón, 1887–89
30 The Colleges of Burgos, Tudela, Valladolid, 1868–90
31 Provincialate: year 4, Semester 1, 1890, Jesuits Meddling in Politics
32 Provincialate: final Year, April 1890 to April 1891
33 Founding the Seminary of Comillas, 1878–91

Period 4. 1891–92: Substitutus, Vicar General, General Congregation 24

34 Substitutus in Jesuit Curia, Fiesole, 1891
35 Vicar General, 1892
36 Preparation for General Congregation 24, 1892
37 Trip to Loyola for General Congregation 24, 1892
38 General Congregation 24: first Sessions, September 23–28, 1892
39 Election of Luis Martín as the Twenty-Fourth Superior General, October 2, 1892
40 Felicitations on the Election
41 General Congregation 24: other Elections
42 General Congregation 24: discussion of the First Postulata
43 General Congregation 24:postulata on Religious Discipline
44 General Congregation 24: decree on Poverty
45 General Congregation 24: decree on Studies
46 General Congregation 24: conclusion

Period 5. Generalate, 1892–1906

47 Procurators Congregations, 1896, 1899, 1902
  1 Procurators Congregation of 1896
  2 Procurators Congregation of 1899
   2.1 First Address of Luis Martín to the Procurators Congregation of 1899
   2.2 Second Address of Luis Martín to the Procurators Congregation of 1899
  3 Procurators Congregation of 1902
   3.1 First Address of Luis Martín to the Procurators Congregation of 1902
   3.2 Second Address of Luis Martín to the Procurators of 1902
48 Problems in Spain: salamanca, 1894
49 Problems in Spain: father Mir, 1896
50 Spanish Politics
  1 Bishop Cámara and the Jesuits of Salamanca
  2 Audience with the Pope
  3 Interviews with the Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See
  4 Correspondence with Cánovas del Castillo
  5 Visits of Don Carlos and Don Jaime de Borbón
  6 The Integrist Split and Its Repercussions in the Society
  7 The 1894 Pilgrimage of Laborers
  8 The Complaints of Segismundo Moret and Cardinal Rampolla
  9 The Proposed Journal of Fr. Francisco de Paula Garzón
  10 The Situation in the Three Spanish Provinces during 1895–97
  11 The Attacks of Pey y Ordeix in El urbión
  12 New Political Nuances at the End of the Century
  13 Fr. Alarcón and El Mensajero
  14 Opinions and Actions of Luis Martín in the Carlism-Integrism Polemic
  15 New Siege of the Society of Jesus by Nocedal, 1900
  16 The Complaints of Cardinal Cascajares
  17 The Opening of Electra and Its Consequences
  18 The Situation in Spain at the Beginning of the New Century
   18.1 Persecution of the Religious Orders
   18.2 A New Attack by Pey y Ordeix
   18.3 Relations with the Carlist Royal Family
   18.4 Integrism and the Unión de los Católicos
    18.4.1 Attempts to Found the Unión Católica in 1902
    18.4.2 The Tensions between Razón y fe and El Mensajero and Pius X’s Letter to the Bishop of Madrid (1905–6)
    18.4.3 El Siglo futuro Is Allowed to Be Received in the Houses of the Society
51 The War of Cuba and the Philippines, 1895–98
  1 Interviews with Very Reverend Father General
52 Luis Martín’s Account of His Final Illness, 1905

All interested in the history of “the long nineteenth century,” church-state issues, the wars for Cuba and the Philippines, and Jesuit history after the restoration of the Society of Jesus (1814 ff.).
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