This volume aims at exploring the ancient roots of ‘holistic’ approaches in the specific field of medicine and the life sciences, without, however, overlooking the larger theoretical implications of these discussions. Therefore, the project plans to broaden the perspective to include larger cultural discussions and, in a comparative spirit, reach out to some examples from non Graeco-Roman medical cultures. As such, it constitutes a fundamental contribution to history of medicine, philosophy of medicine, cultural studies, and ancient studies more broadly. The wide-ranging selection of chapters offers a comprehensive view of an exciting new field: the interrogation of ancient sources in the light of modern concepts in philosophy of medicine, as justification of the claim for their enduring relevance as object of study and, at the same time, as means to a more adequate contextualisation of modern debates within a long historical process.
Contributors are: Hynek Bartoš, Sean Coughlin, Elizabeth Craik, Brooke Holmes, Helen King, Giouli Korobili, David Leith, Vivian Nutton, Julius Rocca, William Michael Short, P. N. Singer, Konstantinos Stefou, Chiara Thumiger, Laurence Totelin, Claire Trenery, John Wee, Francis Zimmermann.
Chiara Thumiger, Ph.D. (2004), Habil. (2017) is a Research Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence Roots at Kiel University. She is a classicist and historian of medicine. She has worked on a variety of medical themes and authors from the Hippocratic Corpus to the late-antique world and beyond – most recently on the ancient disease
phrenitis. She has also published on tragedy, ancient animals and history of emotions.
Acknowledgments Abbreviations Notes on Contributors Introduction Chiara Thumiger
Part 1: Holism: Methodological and Theoretical Perspectives
Holism, Parts, Wholes Chiara Thumiger
Holism, Sympathy, and the Living Being in Ancient Greek Medicine and Philosophy Brooke Holmes
‘Holism’ in Cognitive Approaches to the Ancient Emotions William Michael Short
Part 2: Is Graeco-Roman Medicine Holistic?
Hippocratic Holisms Hynek Bartoš
Holism and the Methodists David Leith
Is Graeco-Roman Medicine Holistic? Galen and Ancient Medical-Philosophical Debates P. N. Singer
Holism of Body and Mind in Hippocratic Medicine and Greek Tragedy Elizabeth Craik
Plato’s Charmides on Philosophy as Holistic Medical Practice Giouli Korobili and Konstantinos Stefou
A Woman in Flux: Fluidity in Hippocratic Gynaecology Laurence M. V. Totelin
Cohesive Causes in Ancient Greek Philosophy and Medicine Sean Coughlin
Pneuma as a Holistic Concept in Galen Julius Rocca
Part 3: Medical Holism beyond the Graeco-Roman World
Humoralism in Āyurvedic Medicine Francis Zimmermann
A Systemic Etiology of Sicknesses from Ancient Iraq: Organ Systems and the Functional Holism of the Babylonian Body John Z. Wee
Epidemic Disease in a Humoral Environment: From Airs, Waters and Places to the Renaissance Vivian Nutton
Mind-Body Interaction: The Influence of Ancient Ideas in Twelfth-Century England Claire Trenery
‘Treating the Patient, Not Just the Disease’: Reading Ancient Medicine in Modern Holistic Medicine Helen King
Index Rerum Index Locorum Index Nominum
Historians of ancient medicine, philosophy and science; scholars in history and philosophy of medicine. In addition, cultural historians of the ancient world and students from a variety of courses– from medicine and history of medicine, to philosophy, history, classics, cultural studies, and anthropology.