Legal Lessons

Popularizing Laws in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1989

Prices from (excl. shipping):

E-Book (PDF)
No Legalese, Please
Why the Dissemination of Laws Became a Problem
Pages: 25–56
Paper Trials
How the Publishing Field Adapted to Law Propaganda
Pages: 57–86
What Is a Basic Spirit?
The Marriage Law and the Model Legal Education Campaign
Pages: 87–126
Getting People to Abide by Law
The Constitution Draft Discussion and Its Aftermath
Pages: 127–167
Constitutional Dilemmas
Reworking Law Propaganda for a New Socialist Era
Pages: 169–212
A New Type of Five-Year Plan
Institutionalizing “Common Legal Knowledge”
Pages: 213–246
Pages: 261–313
Pages: 337–368
Pages: 369–388
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