Modern Ecopoetry: Reading the Palimpsest of the More-Than-Human World interrogates how humans’ relation to and confrontation with the nonhuman world is captured in or through poetry. It brings together contributions that explore how modern poetry addresses human beings’ relationship with the natural world, mirroring some of the most salient ecopoetic approaches to date. This collection is written from very different corners of the globe and significantly adds to the existing body of work because, on the one hand, it continues to focus on the greening of poetry and, on the other, it expands its critical implementation in poets not necessarily included in mainstream literary canons, by setting them side by side regardless of their cultural background.
Contributors: Aamir Aziz, Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Stephen Hock, Matilde Martín González, Leonor María Martínez Serrano, María Antonia Mezquita Fernández, Esther Sánchez-Pardo, Catherine Woodward, Heather H. Yeung, Rabia Zaheer
Chapter 7 Meena Kandasamy’s Contestation of Inherited Cultural Landscapes in Touch
Chapter 8 “Just Junk in a Safeway Cart I’m Pushing Down to the Recycling Center”
Against Use
Back Matter
Leonor María Martínez Serrano is a lecturer at the University of Córdoba (Spain). She has been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Toronto and British Columbia (Canada), University of the West of Scotland (UK), Bialystok (Poland) and Oldenburg (Germany).
Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández is a senior lecturer at the University of Córdoba but has spent research periods at Stanford University and Wheaton College (USA) and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). She is a Founder of the Challenging Precarity: A Global Network.
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Finding a Compass to a Commonwealth of Breath
Leonor María Martínez Serrano and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández
PART 1: Belonging: The Sacred Sense of Place
1 The Roots and Affinities of Dylan Thomas in the Works of Claudio Rodríguez: Sacred Nature in the Poet’s Imagination
María Antonia Mezquita Fernández
2 The Wisdom of Birds in Robert Bringhurst’s Poetry
Leonor María Martínez Serrano
PART 2: Stubborn Materiality and Environmental Poliethics
3 The Agentic Power of Matter in Lorine Niedecker’s “Wintergreen Ridge” and “Paean to Place”
Matilde Martín González
4 Of Lyric Temporality and Materiality: Alice Oswald’s Environmental Poetics
Heather H. Yeung
5 The Political Is Personal: Juliana Spahr’s Political Ecology
Esther Sánchez-Pardo
PART 3: Postcolonial Resistance and Neoliberal Toxicity
6 Development as Deformation: Postcolonial Ecopoetics in Zulfikar Ghose’s Poetry
Rabia Zaheer and Aamir Aziz
7 Meena Kandasamy’s Contestation of Inherited Cultural Landscapes in Touch
Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández
8 “Just Junk in a Safeway Cart I’m Pushing Down to the Recycling Center”: The Aesthetics of Ecology in Michael Robbins’s Poetry
Stephen Hock
Against Use: (The Difficulty of) Writing Nature Poetry in an Age of Environmental Crisis
Catherine Woodward
Scholars, students and general public interested in the dialogue between poetry and the more-than-human world, and in fields like Ecocriticism, Environmental Studies, Cultural Studies and contemporary poetry written in English.