The End(s) of Time(s)

Apocalypticism, Messianism, and Utopianism through the Ages


In times of crises, be it about climate change, the pandemic corona virus, or democratic struggles, there is an unwaning interest worldwide in the end of times and related themes such as apocalypticism, messianism, and utopianism. This concerns scholarship and society alike, and is by no means limited to the religious field.
The present volume collates essays from specialists in the study of apocalyptic and eschatological subjects. With its interdisciplinary approach, it is designed to overcome the existing Euro-centrism and incorporate a broader perspective to the topic of end time expectations in the Christian Middle Ages as well as in East Asia and Africa.
Contributors include: Gaelle Bosseman, Wolfram Brandes, Matthias Gebauer, Jürgen Gebhardt, Vincent Goossaert, Klaus Herbers, Matthias Kaup, Bernardo Bertholin Kerr, Thomas Krümpel, Richard Landes, Zhao Lu, Rolf Scheuermann, and Julia Eva Wannenmacher.

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Dr Hans-Christian Lehner (1982) is research fellow of Medieval History at the ICRH in Erlangen. His monograph Prophetie zwischen Eschatologie und Politik (2015) was focusing on prognostics as outlined in medieval historiography. He edited, translated, and annotated the 12th century Visio Tnugdali (with Maximilian Nix, 2018). With Matthias Heiduk and Klaus Herbers he edited the handbook Prognostication in the Middle Ages (2 vols. 2021).
"The volume’s strength lies more in the excellent quality of most of its individual contributions, which are rather diverse in terms of (theoretical) approaches and disciplines involved." - Lukas K. Pokorny, Religious Studies Review, 22 (2022).
List of Figures and Tables

The End(s) of Time(s): An Introduction
Hans-Christian Lehner

Part 1

1 Christian Perspectives on History, Eschatology, and Transcendence in the Latin Christian Middle Ages
Klaus Herbers

2 Byzantine Predictions of the End of the World in 500, 1000, and 1492 AD
Wolfram Brandes

3 The Great Peace and the Ends of Time in Early Imperial China
Zhao Lu

4 Tibetan Buddhist Dystopian Narratives and their Pedagogical Dimensions
Rolf Scheuermann

5 Ragnarök: Prophecies and Notions of the End Time in Old Norse Religion
Thomas Krümpel

6 An Overview of Bahá’í Eschatology, in a Tapestry of Five Strands
Bernardo Bertholin Kerr

Part 2

7 Beatus of Liebana and the Spiritualized Understanding of Apocalypse in Medieval Iberia
Gaelle Bosseman

8 Muhammad, Mahdi, Antichrist: Muslims in Joachim of Fiore’s Apocalyptic Eschatology
Julia Eva Wannenmacher

9 The Infernal Trinity as Passivized Pacemaker of Salvation History: Satan’s Particular Eschatological Activity in Anonymus Bambergensis’ Tracts De semine scripturarum and De principe mundi
Matthias Kaup

Part 3

10 Competing Eschatological Scenarios during the Taiping War, 1851–1864
Vincent Goossaert

11 The Messianic Quest for an Earthly Paradise in the Modern Era of Revolution
Jürgen Gebhardt

12 Indigenous Millennialism: Murabitun Sufism in the Black African townships of South Africa
Matthias Gebauer

13 Apocalyptic Millennialism: The Most Powerful, Volatile, Imaginary Force in Human History
Richard Landes

All interested in the history of the apocalypse and end time expectations in the Christian Middle Ages as well as in East Asia and Africa.
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