This volume is already the 50th in the book series Global Perspectives on Higher Education! In this book, the editors and authors paid special attention to this important anniversary.
The 50th volume in the book series ‘Global Perspectives on Higher Education' offers a stimulating and thoughtful assessment of higher education from a global perspective which addresses the challenges and prospects for the next decade. The challenges now faced by higher education and its likely future prospects and patterns are examined in terms of policy papers and case studies. Five broad topics are considered: the situation of academic faculty, the demand for access, the role of the university in society and its governance, funding trends, and higher education’s international dimensions.
The volume brings together as authors fourteen of the thirty participants of the Fulbright New Century Scholars 2005/2006 program, whose research addressed the topic of Higher Education in the 21st Century: Global Challenge and National Response and was published in a volume edited by the program leaders, Philip G. Altbach and Patti McGill Peterson,
Higher Education in the New Century: Global Challenges and Innovative Ideas (2007). The present book not only continues the examination and assessment of current global trends in higher education, but also bears witness to the enduring power of Senator Fulbright’s vision of furthering mutual international understanding and offering collaborative study opportunities which extend the frontiers of knowledge.
Heather Eggins is a Fellow Commoner of Cambridge University, and Visiting Professor at Staffordshire University, UK. Her research interests are in policy issues relating to higher education. Her latest book is
Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU (Brill Sense, 2021).
Anna Smolentseva is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, and a PhD student at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge.
Hans de Wit is Distinguished Fellow and Former Director Center for international Higher Education (CIHE) and Professor Emeritus at Boston College. His research is on internationalization of higher education. He is co-editor of the book series ‘Global Perspectives on Higher Education’.
Foreword: 50 Volumes of the Brill | Sense Global Perspectives on Higher Education Book Series
Philip G. Altbach, Hans de Wit and Rebecca Schendel Acknowledgments
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: The Fulbright New Century Scholars Program
Patti McGill Peterson and Philip G. Altbach
1 Challenges and Prospects for Higher Education
Heather Eggins, Anna Smolentseva and Hans de Wit
PART 1: The Academic Profession
2 A Faculty in Crisis: External and Internal Challenges to the Academic Profession
Nelly P. Stromquist 3 Striving for Gender Equality: The EU, Research, and Higher Education
Heather Eggins and Elisabeth Lillie 4 Prospects for Internationalization, Advancement, and Gender Equity in Danish Universities
Carol Colatrella and Kirsten Gomard
PART 2: Access
5 Holistic Admissions as a Global Phenomenon
Michael Bastedo 6 Varieties of Learning Regimes and Their Impact on Social Inclusion
Elizabeth Balbachevsky 7 Citizenship and Access to Higher Education: The Missing Piece
Gaële Goastellec 8 Equity and Access to Higher Education Twenty-Five Years Later: A Review of Enrollment, Graduation and Employment Trends in South African Universities
Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela
PART 3: Governance Issues and the Role of the University in Society
9 The Governance of European Higher Education in Transition
Patrick Clancy 10 What Is the Emerging Society with a High Participation Higher Education System?
Anna Smolentseva 11 Diverse Higher Education Systems: Reflecting Local and Regional Academic Cultures
Sarah Guri-Rosenblit 12 The Future of South African Universities as Engaged Institutions That Are Globally Networked and Locally Responsive
Chika Trevor Sehoole and Olaide Agbaje
PART 4: Private/Public Mix in Higher Education
13 Global Funding Trends in Higher Education: The Challenges of Competition, Selectivity, and Differentiation
Pedro Teixeira 14 Improving Access to Higher Education through Demand-Side Policies: Lessons Learned from the Experience of Gainful Employment Regulations in the U.S.
Sunwoong Kim and Rie Mori
PART 5: International Dimensions of Higher Education
15 Internationalization in Higher Education: Global Trends and Recommendations for Its Future
Hans de Wit and Philip G. Altbach 16 The Boston College Center for International Education and the Emergence of a Field of Analysis, 1995–2020
Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit
Appendix 1: Directory of Fulbright New Century Scholars Program 2005-2006
Appendix 2: 2005-2006 Fulbright New Century Scholars‑Outcomes
This volume will be of interest to all who work in higher education, to those who are involved in policy making and to those who take a general interest in the subject