Borderlands Biography

Z. Anthony Kruszewski in Wartime Europe and Postwar America

Beata Halicka’s masterly narrated biography is the story of an extraordinary man and leading intellectual in the Polish-American community. Z. Anthony Kruszewski was first a Polish scout fighting in World War II against the Nazi occupiers, then a Prisoner of War/Displaced Person in Western Europe. He was stranded as a penniless immigrant in post-war America and eventually became a world-renowned academic.
Kruszewski’s almost incredible life stands out from his entire generation. His story is a microcosm of 20th-century history, covering various theatres and incorporating key events and individuals. Kruszewski walks a stage very few people have even stood on, both as an eye-witness at the centre of the Second World War, and later as vice-president of the Polish American Congress, and a professor and political scientist at world-class universities in the USA. Not only did he become a pioneer and a leading figure in Borderland Studies, but he is a borderlander in every sense of the word.

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BBeata Halicka ist Professorin für Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas an der Adam Mickiewicz Universität in Poznań. Zwischen 2006-2013 war sie an der Europa Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) tätig sowie Gastprofessorin an den Universitäten in Calgary (Kanada), El Paso and Phoenix (USA). Sie forscht zu erzwungenen Migrationen, Nationalismus, deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen, polnischer Diaspora, Identitätskonstruktionen in Grenzgebieten sowie Erinnerungskultur und –politik. Für das Buch „Polens Wilder Westen“ – Erzwungene Migration und die kulturelle Aneignung des Oderraumes 1945-1948“ erhielt sie den Identitas Preis 2016 für das beste historische Buch in Polen.
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