Renaissance Politics and Culture collects ten essays by eminent scholars in Renaissance studies to celebrate the life and work of Robert Black, who has made some of the most original and significant contributions to the history of the Renaissance. Reflecting his interdisciplinary interests and approaches, these essays analyze education, humanism, political thought, printing, and the visual arts during this key period in their development.
Contributors: James R. Banker, Jérémie Barthas, Davide Baldi Bellini, Jane Black, Lorenz Böninger, Jonathan Davies, James Hankins, John Monfasani, John M. Najemy, and Brian Richardson.
Jonathan Davies, Ph.D. (1993, University of Liverpool) is Associate Professor in Italian Renaissance History at the University of Warwick. His publications include Florence and its University during the Early Renaissance (Brill, 1993) and Culture and Power: Tuscany and its Universities 1537–1609 (Brill, 2009)
John Monfasani is a Distinguished Research Professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York. He served as the Executive Director of the Renaissance Society of America, 1995–2010.
Preface List of Figures Notes on Contributors Publications of Robert D. Black, 1973–2020
1 Robert Black: A Life of Scholarship Jonathan Davies
Part 1: Politics
2 The Problem of Succession for the Visconti and the Sforza Jane Black
3 The Impuissant and Immoral City: George of Trebizond’s Critique of Plato’s Laws John Monfasani
4 The Virtuous Republic of Francesco Patrizi of Siena James Hankins
5 Cleomenes Redivivus: Machiavelli from The Prince to the Discourses Jérémie Barthas
6 Machiavelli and Arezzo John M. Najemy
Part 2: Culture
7 Leon Battista Alberti as a Student of the Florentine University and the Priory of San Martino a Gangalandi (1429–1430) Lorenz Böninger
8 The Gherardi Family of Borgo San Sepolcro and Piero della Francesca’s Williamstown Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels James R. Banker
9 Pier Vettori (1499–1585): Philologist and Professor Davide Baldi Bellini
10 Print and Trust in Renaissance Italy Brian Richardson
All interested in the politics and culture of Renaissance Italy. Keywords: history, art history, history of education, history of political thought, printing, Machiavelli, Platonism, Italy, Tuscany, Florence, Milan.