Good Teachers for Tomorrow's Schools

Purpose, Values, and Talents in Education


Teachers in schools nowadays are challenged to create inclusive learning environments and safe spaces for encountering diversity in values, cultures and religions, as well as in (dis)ability and talent. Classrooms are micro-cosmoses in which local and global issues are confronted and addressed.

This volume discusses the characteristics of good teachers and the teaching that is needed in today’s and tomorrow’s schools. The focus is on research-based perspectives, with contributions from several internationally renowned scholars on what constitutes good and quality in teaching-studying-learning processes. The chapters focus on good teaching and good teachers from perspectives concerning the fundamental and transversal features of what constitutes a good teacher. More specifically, it is argued that good teachers in tomorrow’s schools will need capabilities that reflect the purpose of education, values in education, and talent in education.

As an outcome, the book provides insights into how, in attending not only to the cognitive but also to the affective, behavioral, moral and spiritual domains, teachers are able to support holistic growth and learning among their students in schools of the 21st century. This volume discusses good teaching for schools in the future from the perspectives of school pedagogy, educational psychology, and neuropsychology.

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Epilogue Growth Mindset and Purpose in Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education
Elina Kuusisto, DTh (2011) University of Helsinki, works as a University Lecturer (diversity and inclusive education) at the Tampere University, Finland. She has published on teacher ethics, school pedagogy and talent development, particularly on purpose, ethical sensitivity and growth mindset.

Martin Ubani, PhD (2007), University of Helsinki, is a Professor of Religious Education at the University of Eastern Finland. Recently he co-edited the volume Contextualising Dialogue, Secularisation and Pluralism. Religion in Finnish Public Education (Waxmann, 2019).
Petri Nokelainen, PhD (2008), University of Tampere, is a Full Professor of Engineering Pedagogy at the Tampere University, Finland. His research interests cover teaching and learning related to engineering higher education and workplace learning.

Auli Toom, PhD, is a Full Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for University Teaching and Learning at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

Elina Kuusisto, Auli Toom, Martin Ubani and Petri Nokelainen

PART 1: Ethical and Purposeful Teachers and Teaching

1 Equity and Quality as Aims of Education: Teachers’ Role in Educational Ecosystems
Hannele Niemi
2 The New Professionalism? How Good Teachers Continue to Teach to Their Best and Well in Challenging Reform Contexts
Christopher Day
3 Teachers’ Moral Authenticity: Searching for Balance between Role and Person
Jukka Husu and Auli Toom
4 Design and Implementation of the National Aims for Finnish Teacher Education during 2016–2019
Jari Lavonen
5 Promoting Purpose Development in Schools and Beyond: A Complex, Dynamic, Bioecological Developmental Systems Perspective
Matthew Joseph
6 What Is above Everything? Conceptions of the Sacred among Finnish Youth
Mette Ranta, Henrietta Grönlund and Anne Birgitta Pessi
7 Children’s and Youths’ Perspectives on Value Diversity in Education: Implications for Teacher Education and Educator Professionalism
Arniika Kuusisto and Arto Kallioniemi
8 The Learning Ambience of Values Pedagogy
Terence Lovat
9 Religious Literacy as a 21st Century Skill for All Teachers
Martin Ubani

PART 2: Supporting Talent Development with a Growth Mindset

10 Education of the Gifted and Talented in Finland
Elina Kuusisto, Sonja Laine and Inkeri Rissanen
11 Recognition, Expectation, and Differentiation for Mathematical Talent Development of Young Gifted English Learners
Jenny Yang, Sonmi Jo, James Campbell and Seokhee Cho
12 Reaching for Medals and Vocational Excellence? WorldSkills Competition Success in Relation to Goal Orientations and Metacognitive and Resource Management Strategies
Petri Nokelainen and Heta Rintala
13 Measuring Apprentices’ Intrapreneurship Competence in Vocational Education and Training (VET): An Interdisciplinary Model-Based Assessment
Susanne Weber, Clemens Draxler, Frank Achtenhagen, Sandra Bley, Michaela Wiethe-Körprich, Christine Kreuzer and Can Gürer
14 Creative Talent as Emergent Event: A Neurodiversity Perspective
Ananí M. Vasquez, Mirka Koro and Ronald A. Beghetto
15 A Socio-Cultural Approach to Growth-Mindset Pedagogy: Maker-Pedagogy as a Tool for Developing a Next-Generation Growth Mindset
Jenni Laurell, Aino Seitamaa, Kati Sormunen, Pirita Seitamaa Hakkarainen, Tiina Korhonen and Kai Hakkarainen
16 Experimental Evidence on Connections between Speech and Music: Possible Applications on Learning
Minna Huotilainen and Teija Kujala

Epilogue: Growth Mindset and Purpose in Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education
Wiel Veugelers

All interested in good teaching and teacher education as well as anyone concerned with purpose of education, values in education and talent development. It provides valuable research-based perspectives for scholars, teacher candidates, teacher educators and professional teachers.
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