This contribution provides the important and timely bilingual version of the Chinese Civil Code and the Supreme People’s Court’s Judicial Interpretation of the Temporal Effect of the Civil Code. Providing translations by a diverse group of esteemed legal scholars, on Contract Law, Tort Law, Marriage, Family and Succession Law, General and Personality Provisions and Property Law, this unique resource will be important for all those with an interest in Chinese Law.
Lei Chen, Chair in Chinese Law, Durham University, UK. He has published extensively in areas of Chinese and comparative private law and dispute resolution.
Jiangqiu Ge, Assistant Professor at Fudan University Law School. He holds a Ph.D. from Maastricht University and Master of Law degree from Tsinghua University. His areas of expertise are consumer law and contract law.
Jian He, Assistant Professor at Peking University Law School. He has published widely in the areas of law of civil procedure and legal theory. He obtained his Ph.D. in Law from Peking University and his Dr. jur. magna cum laude from University of Mannheim.
Qiao Liu, Professor of Law at School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. He is co-editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Comparative Law.
Zhicheng Wu, D.Phil. (Oxon), Assistant Professor at Renmin Law School. His research interests cover civil and commercial law, in particular property, trusts, fiduciary, restitution, company and finance.
Bingwan Xiong, Associate Professor at Renmin Law School. He has published on a wide range of subjects regarding private law and law & technology in law journals. He graduated from Renmin University (LL.B., LL.M., and Ph.D.) and Harvard Law School (LL.M.).
第二编 物权
Book II: Property Rights
第一分编 通 则
Part One: General Rules
第一章 一般规定
1 Basic Rules
第二章 物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭
2 Creation, Alteration Transfer and Extinction of Property Rights
第三章 物权的保护
3 Protection of Property Rights
第二分编 所有权
Part Two: Ownership
第四章 一般规定
4 Basic Rules
第五章 国家所有权和集体所有权、私人所有权
5 State Ownership, Collective Ownership and Private Ownership
第六章 业主的建筑物区分所有权
6 Condominium Ownership
第七章 相邻关系
7 Neighboring Relationships
第八章 共有
8 Co-ownership
第九章 所有权取得的特别规定
9 Special Provisions on the Acquisition of Ownership
第三分编 用益物权
Part Three: Usufructuary Rights
第十章 一般规定
10 Basic Rules
第十一章 土地承包经营权
11 Right to Land Contractual Management
第十二章 建设用地使用权
12 Right to Use Construction Land
第十三章 宅基地使用权
13 Right to Use Homestead Land
第十四章 居 住 权
14 Right of Habitation
第十五章 地 役 权
15 Right of Real Servitude
第四分编 担保物权
Part Four: Security Interests
第十六章 一般规定
16 Basic Rules
第十七章 抵 押 权
17 Right of Charge
第十八章 质 权
18 Right of Pledge
第十九章 留 置 权
19 Right of Lien
第五分编 占 有
Part Five: Possession
第二十章 占 有
20 Possession
第三编 合 同
Book III: Contracts
第一分编 通 则
Part One: General Rules
第一章 一般规定
1 Basic Rules
第二章 合同的订立
2 Contract Formation
第三章 合同的效力
3 Validity of Contracts
第四章 合同的履行
4 Performance of Contracts
第五章 合同的保全
5 Preservation of Contracts
第六章 合同的变更和转让
6 Modification and Assignment of Contracts
第七章 合同的权利义务终止
7 Termination of Contractual Rights and Obligations
第八章 违约责任
8 Liabilities for Breach of Contract
第二分编 典型合同
Part Two: Typical Contracts
第九章 买卖合同
9 Sales Contracts
第十章 供用电、水、气、热力合同
10 Contracts for the Supply and Use of Electricity, Water, Gas or Heat
第十一章 赠与合同
11 Gift Contracts
第十二章 借款合同
12 Loan Contracts
第十三章 保证合同
13 Guaranty Contracts
第十四章 租赁合同
14 Lease Contracts
第十五章 融资租赁合同
15 Financial Lease Contracts
第十六章 保理合同
16 Factoring Contracts
第十七章 承揽合同
17 Contracts for Work
第十八章 建设工程合同
18 Construction Contracts
第十九章 运输合同
19 Carriage Contracts
第二十章 技术合同
20 Technology Contracts
第二十一章 保管合同
21 Safekeeping Contracts
第二十二章 仓储合同
22 Warehousing Contracts
第二十三章 委托合同
23 Mandate Contracts
第二十四章 物业服务合同
24 Contracts for Property Services
第二十五章 行纪合同
25 Contracts of Commission Agency
第二十六章 中介合同
26 Intermediary Contracts
第二十七章 合伙合同
27 Partnership Contracts
第三分编 准 合 同
Part Three: Quasi-Contracts
第二十八章 无因管理
28 Negotiorum Gestio (Unauthorised Management)
第二十九章 不当得利
29 Unjustified Enrichment
第四编 人格权
Book IV: Personality Rights
第一章 一般规定
1 Basic Rules
第二章 生命权、身体权和健康权
2 Rights to Life, Body, and Health
第三章 姓名权和名称权
3 Rights to Name and Business Name
第四章 肖像权
4 Right to Portrait
第五章 名誉权和荣誉权
5 Rights to Reputation and Honor
第六章 隐私权和个人信息保护
6 Right to Privacy and the Protection of Personal Information
第五编 婚姻家庭
Book V: Marriage and Family
第一章 一般规定
1 Basic Rules
第二章 结 婚
2 Entering into Marriage
第三章 家庭关系
3 Family Relationships
第四章 离婚
4 Divorce
第五章 收养
5 Adoption
第六编 继承
Book VI: Inheritance
第一章 一般规定
1 General Provisions
第二章 法定继承
2 Statutory Inheritance
第三章 遗嘱继承和遗赠
3 Testamentary Inheritance and Legacy
第四章 遗产的处理
4 Disposition of Estate
第七编 侵权责任
Book VII: Tort Liability
第一章 一般规定
1 Basic Rules
第二章 损害赔偿
2 Damages
第三章 责任主体的特殊规定
3 Special Rules on Tortfeasors
第四章 产品责任
4 Product Liability
第五章 机动车交通事故责任
5 Liability for Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents
第六章 医疗损害责任
6 Liability for Medical Malpractice
第七章 环境污染和生态破坏责任
7 Liability for Environmental Pollution and Ecological Destruction
第八章 高度危险责任
8 Liability for Ultra-Hazardous Activity
第九章 饲养动物损害责任
9 Liability for Damage Caused by Domestic Animal
第十章 建筑物和物件损害责任
10 Liability for Damage Caused by Buildings and Things
Supplemental Provisions
This title is meant for all readers who are interested in the Chinese Civil Code from a comparative perspective such as University libraries, scholars, students, researchers, legal practitioners, government institutions and NGOs.