The present edited volume offers a collection of new concepts and approaches to the study of mobility in pre-modern Islamic societies. It includes nine remarkable case studies from different parts of the Islamic world that examine the professional mobility within the literati and, especially, the social-cum-cultural group of Muslim scholars (
ʿulamāʾ) between the eighth and the eighteenth centuries. Based on individual case studies and quantitative mining of biographical dictionaries and other primary sources from Islamic Iberia, North and West Africa, Umayyad Damascus and the Hejaz, Abbasid Baghdad, Ayyubid and Mamluk Syria and Egypt, various parts of the Seljuq Empire, and Hotakid Iran, this edited volume presents professional mobility as a defining characteristic of pre-modern Islamic societies.
Contributors Mehmetcan Akpinar, Amal Belkamel, Mehdi Berriah, Nadia Maria El Cheikh, Adday Hernández López, Konrad Hirschler, Mohamad El-Merheb, Marta G. Novo, M. A. H. Parsa, M. Syifa A. Widigdo.
Mohamad El-Merheb is a historian of Islamic political thought. He studies the ideal of ‘the rule of law’ as expressed in advice literature under the Mamluks, Ayyubids, and Seljuqs. His other research interests include the depiction of kings Louis IX and Frederic II in Islamic historiography and professional mobility in pre-modern Islam.
Mehdi Berriah is a researcher specializing in medieval Islam at the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO). His research and publications focus on Islamic military history,
furūsiyya, Islamic thought, jihad ideology, Islamic law of war and ulamology. He is currently leading a research project entitled "The taymiyyan corpus on jihad: reception, decontextualization and use by contemporary jihadist movements" funded by the French Ministry of the Interior.
Contributors Mehmetcan Akpinar, Amal Belkamel, Mehdi Berriah, Nadia Maria El Cheikh, Adday Hernández López, Konrad Hirschler, Mohamad El-Merheb, Marta G. Novo, M. A. H. Parsa, M. Syifa A. Widigdo.
"Im Ganzen ist der Band ein gelungener und lesenswerter Beitrag zur Forschung und bietet selbst für besonders häufig studierte Fälle, wie z.B. Ibn Taymiyya, noch neue Erkenntnisse. Dazu gehört, dass die Bewertung von Mobilität immer im Kontext der jeweiligen Gesellschaft bzw. auch von persönlichen Motiven betrachtet werden muss....In allem ist der Band jedoch sehr lesenswert und eine inspirierende Ergänzung zur bestehenden Forschung. Es ist in jedem Fall erstrebens- und lohnenswert, den von dem Band vorgezeichneten Weg weiterzuverfolgen, auszudifferenzieren und mit mehr Fallbeispielen auszutesten." -- Mohammad Gharaibeh, Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in H-SozKult, 27.04. 2022“
- Mohammad Gharaibeh, Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, In:
H-Soz-Kult, 27.04.2022.
Foreword Acknowledgments List of Maps, Figures, Tables Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Professional Mobility as a Defining Characteristic of Pre-Modern Islamic Societies Mohamad El-Merheb and Mehdi Berriah
part 1: Networks of Knowledge and Learning
Medinan Scholars on the Move: Professional Mobility at the Umayyad Court Mehmetcan Akpınar
Professional Mobility and Social Capital: A Note on the muḥaddithāt in Kitāb Tārīkh Baghdād Nadia Maria El Cheikh
The Aqīt Household: Professional Mobility of a Berber Learned Elite in Premodern West Africa Marta G. Novo
part 2: Social Mobility and Professionalization
The Professional Mobility of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār between the Quest for Knowledge and the Confluence with Power Amal Belkamel
Mobility and Versatility of the ʿulamāʾ in the Mamluk Period: The Case of Ibn Taymiyya Mehdi Berriah
Mobility among the Andalusī quḍāt: Social Advancement and Spatial Displacement in a Professional Context Adday Hernández López
part 3: Power, Politics, and Mobility
Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī’s Mobility and the Saljūq’s Project of Sunnī Political Unity M. Syifa Amin Widigdo
Iran’s State Literature under Afghan Rule (1722–1729) M.A.H. Parsa
Islamic Political Thought and Professional Mobility: The Intellectual and Empirical Worlds of Ibn Ṭalḥa and Ibn Jamāʿa Mohamad El-Merheb
All interested in the social, cultural, and intellectual history of the pre-modern Islamic world, and anyone concerned with the study of social mobility and the Islamic scholars (