The Great Ideas of Religion and Freedom

A Semiotic Reinterpretation of The Great Ideas Movement for the 21st Century


This volume tests a hypothesis—philosophy and science are identical forms of behavioristic, organizational psychology: a psychological habit of wondering about causes of organizational existence, formation, and behaviour. Focusing attention on two universal and culturally influential great ideas—freedom and religion—this volume’s array of international scholars demonstrate that leading ancient and medieval philosophers did philosophy in this way. Also, well-known philosophers/scientists like Mortimer J. Adler and John N. Deely practiced philosophy this way. Doing so is precisely what made these philosophers uniquely capable of generating great ideas as motivational principles that dramatically alter cultures. In a nutshell, this work offers significant support for its historically and philosophically ground-breaking thesis.

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Peter A. Redpath, Ph.D. (1974), SUNY at Buffalo, is retired Full Professor of Philosophy, St. John’s University, and author/editor/co-editor of sixteen philosophical books and dozens of articles and book reviews. His most important publication to date is his The Moral Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Imelda Chłodna-Błach, dr. hab., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, is presently Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture and Art at the Catholic University of Lublin. She is a member of the editorial board of Man in Culture journal and Annals of Cultural Studies.
Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki, dr. hab., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, is presently Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture and Art at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

Contributors are: Adam L. Barborich, Rafał Charzyński, Imelda Chłodna-Błach, Wojciech Daszkiewicz, Tomasz Duma, Maria Joanna Gondek, Arkadiusz Gudaniec, Piotr Jaroszyński, Joanna Kiereś-Łach, Jason Morgan, Marvin B. Daniel Peláez, Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki, Robert T. Ptaszek, Peter A. Redpath, Katarzyna Stępień.
Notes on Editors and Contributors

  Peter A. Redpath

1 Reflections on Mortimer J. Adler’s Teachings about the Great Ideas of Religion and Freedom
  Piotr Jaroszyński

2 Free and Religious Actions as Semiotic Effects of the Great Ideas
  Maria Joanna Gondek

3 How Commonsense Philosophical Realism Influenced Mortimer J. Adler’s Teachings
  Joanna Kiereś-Łach

4 Becoming a Masterpiece of Unbending Will
  Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki

5 Karol Wojtyła on Semiotically Expressing the Great Ideas of the True and the Good
  Arkadiusz Gudaniec

6 How the Great Ideas Can Help Resolve the Contemporary Decline of the West
  Wojciech Daszkiewicz

7 Some Contemporary Problems Obscuring the Greatness of the Great Ideas
  Katarzyna Stępień

8 Czesław Martyniak: The Great Ideas as Motivational Causes
  Rafał Charzyński

9 The Great Ideas: Causes of Human Transcendence or Enslavement?
  Tomasz Duma

10 Christianity: Friend or Foe of the Great Ideas?
  Robert T. Ptaszek

11 Semiotics of Organizational Leadership and Gateway Leadership Induction Technology (GATELIT)
  Marvin B. Daniel Peláez

12 Greatness of Character in Classical Confucianism
  Jason Morgan

13 The Great Ideas in the Noble Buddhist Doctrine of Liberation
  Adam L. Barborich

14 Mortimer J. Adler
From Annoying Philosophical Bastard to Great Educational Reformer
  Imelda Chłodna-Błach

 “Leisure Is the Basis of Culture”: Was Josef Pieper Wrong?
  Peter A. Redpath


All interested in the study of great ideas, semiotics, nature of freedom, religion, and essential relation of the preceding to history, philosophy, science, and culture.
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