The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century / L’ordre juridique international au XXIeme siècle / El órden jurídico internacional en el siglo XXI

Essays in Honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen / Ecrits en l’honneur du Professeur Marcelo Gustavo Kohen / Estudios en honor del Profesor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen

This collection of essays celebrating the work of Professor Marcelo Kohen brings together the leading scholars and practitioners of public international law from different continents and generations to explore some of the most challenging issues of contemporary international law. The volume is a testimony of esteem and friendship from colleagues and former students, and it covers a vast expanse, reflecting the width and diversity of Professor Kohen’s own contribution. Written in English, French and Spanish, the essays in this volume will appeal to a broad public of academics, practitioners and students of international law from around the world.

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Jorge Viñuales, Ph.D. (2008), Sciences Po Paris, is Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge and Professor of International Law at LUISS, Rome.

Andrew Clapham, Ph.D. (1991), European University Institute, is Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Ph.D. (1991), University of Geneva (IUHEI), is Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva and holds the Annual Chair Avenir Commun Durable at the Collège de France.

Mamadou Hébié, Ph.D (2013), Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, is Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Leiden. His Ph.D., Souveraineté territoriale par traité: une étude des accords entre puissances coloniales et entités politiques locales (Paris : PUF, 2015), was awarded in 2016 the Paul Guggenheim Prize in International Law. Trained in civil and common law, he is a Member of the New York Bar.
The volume will appeal to academics specialising in international law, practitioners, including lawyers engaged in private practice, international civil servants and government officials, and advanced students of international law.
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