A Sourcebook on Byzantine Law

Illustrating Byzantine Law through the Sources


This is the first book in English providing a wide range of Byzantine legal sources. In six chapters, this book explains and illustrates Byzantine law through a selection of fundamental Byzantine legal sources, beginning with the sources before the time of Justinian, and extending up to AD 1453.
For all sources English translations are provided next to the original Greek (and Latin) text. In some cases, tables or other features are included that help further elucidate the source and illustrate its nature. The volume offers a clear yet detailed primer to Byzantine law, its sources, and its significance.

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Daphne Penna, Ph.D. (2012), University of Groningen, is Assistant Professor of Legal History at that university. Her interests are Roman and Byzantine law, and particularly their influence on the European legal tradition; she has published extensively on this area.
Roos Meijering, Ph.D. (1987), University of Groningen, was Assistant Professor of Legal History at that same university until her retirement in 2017. Meijering’s publications include articles on Byzantine law, commentaries and critical editions of Byzantine legal sources.
'...the sourcebook on Byzantine law by Penna and Meijering fills a huge gap as an accessible introduction to Byzantine legal literature, supplemented by concise and accurate translations of source texts into English. The authors are to be congratulated on a major achievement: with this sourcebook, aspiring instructors might be tempted to add their own institutions to the select list of universities where Byzantine law is taught.'
Zachary Chitwood (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) in The Byzantine Review 05.2023.022 (doi: 10.17879/byzrev-2023-5117)
List of Figures and Maps
General Note on the Bibliography

1 The Sources of Law before the Time of Justinian
 1  Introduction
 2  A Brief Summary of the Sources of Roman Law
 3  Teaching Law before the time of Justinian
 4  Select Bibliography

2 The Time of Justinian
 1  Justinian’s Legislation
 2  Teaching Law in the Time of Justinian
 3  Contemporary Writings for More Practical Purposes

3 From the End of the Sixth Century up to and including the Iconoclastic Period
 1  End of the Sixth Century: the scholastikoi
 2  Athanasios of Emessa
 3  Theodoros of Hermoupolis
 4  ‘The Seventh Century’: ‘The Anonymos Junior’
 5  ‘The Seventh Century’: Early Legal Treatises—De actionibus and Rhopai
 6  The Ecloga
 7  The Farmer’s Law and the Military Law
 8  The Rhodian Sea Law
 9  Select Bibliography

4 Macedonian Renaissance
 1  Introduction
 2  The Prochiron and the Eisagoge
 3  The Basilica Puzzle
 4  The Novels of Leo VI the Wise
 5  The Prefect’s Book (Eparchikon biblion)
 6  The ‘Old’ Basilica Scholia
 7  The Synopsis maior Basilicorum and the Legal Lexica
 8  Select Bibliography

5 From the Eleventh Century up To 1453
 1  The ‘New’ Basilica Scholia
 2  Recognising ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Basilica Scholia
 3  The Ponema Nomikon, Tipoukeitos and the Synopsis legum
 4  The Peira
 5  The Ecloga Basilicorum
 6  The Novel of Manuel on Procedure
 7  The Decisions and Statements of Chomatenos
 8  The Hexabiblos by Harmenopoulos
 9  Select Bibliography

6 Canon Law
 1  A Brief Outline of Byzantine Canon Law and Some Basic Terms
 2  A Scheme of Canon Law: The Sources of Byzantine Canon Law until the Twelfth Century
 3  The Canonists of the Twelfth Century
 4  Byzantine Civil and Canon Law concerning Interest on Debts
 5  Select Bibliography

Appendix: A Schematic Approach to the Sources of Byzantine Law and Their Relations to Roman Law
Index of Sources
Index of Personal Names
Index of Place names
Index of Terms
Anyone whose study or interests touch on Byzantine law: Byzantinists, students and scholars of Roman law, of medieval law, and of medieval canon law.
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