Activist Pedagogy and Shared Education in Divided Societies

International Perspectives and Next Practices


Collaborative engagement between activist academics from Israel and Northern Ireland highlighted the challenges and potential of working through education to promote shared learning and shared life in divided societies. Following these initial explorations, the volume brought together educationalists from Europe, the United States and South Africa to widen the range of experience and insights, and broaden the base of the conversation. The result is this book on the role of shared education, not only in deeply divided societies, but also in places where minorities face discrimination, where migrants face prejudice and barriers, or where society fails to deal positively with cultural diversity. Together, the contributors challenged themselves to develop theoretical and practical paradigms, based on practical knowledge and experience, to promote activist pedagogies. Their shared purpose was to work for more humane, just and democratic societies, in which education offers genuine hope for sustained transformational change.

The four main themes around which the book is organized are: educating for democratic-multicultural citizenship, models of shared learning, nurturing intercultural competencies, and reconciling dialogue in the face of conflicting narratives. The book draws on a wide range of international perspectives and insights to identify practical strategies for change in local contexts.

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Concluding Notes
Dafna Yitzhaki, Ph.D., is sociolinguist and teaches at Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Her current research interests include multilingualism and multiculturalism in education. Together with A. Yuval, she co-edited the book Education and the Jewish-Palestinian Conflict in Israel (forthcoming).

Tony Gallagher is Professor of Education at Queen’s University Belfast, former Head of the School of Education, and Pro Vice Chancellor. He authored ten books, and over 100 book chapters and academic journal articles.

Nimrod Aloni is a Professor of Philosophy of Education at Kibbutzim College of Education, Israel. He holds the UNESCO Chair in Humanistic Education and authored ten books and many articles and book chapters in the area of humanistic education.

Zehavit Gross holds the UNESCO Chair in Education for Human Values, Tolerance Democracy and Peace and is Professor at the Faculty of Education, Bar Ilan University, Israel. She is the former president of the Israeli Society for Comparative Education (ICES) and currently participates in four international research projects.
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

Dafna Yitzhaki, Tony Gallagher, Nimrod Aloni and Zehavit Gross

PART 1: Educating for a Democratic-Multicultural Citizenship

1 Empowering Agency in the Ethical, Political, and the Teaching/Learning Spheres of Education: An Integrative Model of Activist Pedagogy
Nimrod Aloni
2 Teaching Controversial Issues as Part of Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship
Wiel Veugelers and Jaap Schuitema
3 Towards Educating Teachers as Advocators: A Conceptual Discussion and a Historical Example
Jaime Grinberg
4 Democratic Citizenship Education as an Activist Pedagogy: Towards the Cultivation of Democratic Justice on the African Continent
Yusef Waghid
5 Educating for Democratic Citizenship: Arabic in Israeli Higher Education as a Case in Point
Smadar Donitsa-Schmidt, Muhammad Amara and Abd Al-Rahman Mar’i

PART 2: Enhancing Models of Shared Learning

6 Turning Research into Policy: The Experience of Shared Education in Northern Ireland
Tony Gallagher, Gavin Duffy and Gareth Robinson
7 “Moving into Hebrew Is Natural”: Jewish and Arab Teachers in a Shared Education Project
Dafna Yitzhaki
8 Shared Learning in the Context of Conflict
Shany Payes and Shula Mola
9 Jewish-Arab Bilingual Education in Israel
Assaf Meshulam
10 Minority EFL Teachers on Shared-Life Education in Conflict-Ridden Contexts: The Subaltern Speaks Back
Muzna Awayed-Bishara

PART 3: Nurturing Intercultural Competencies

11 Contestation as an Innovative Construct for Conflict Management and Activist Pedagogy
Zehavit Gross
12 “Thou Shalt Not Be a Bystander”: Holocaust and Genocide Education with a Gendered, Universal Lens, as a Path to Empathy and Courage
Lori Weintrob
13 Internationalization for Nurturing Intercultural Communicative Competencies in Pre-Service Teachers
Beverley Topaz and Tina Waldman
14 Developing Culturally Proficient Global Peace Education Changemaker Educators for Culturally Diverse Schools and Classrooms
Reyes L. Quezada

PART 4: Reconciling Dialogue in the Face of Conflicting Narratives 15 The Holocaust and Its Teaching in Israel in View of the Conflict: General and Pedagogical Implications and Lessons
Daniel Bar-Tal and Galiya Bar-Tal
16 Teaching History and Citizenship in Schools in Northern Ireland
Gavin Duffy, Tony Gallagher and Gareth Robinson
17 Successful Failure: A Dual Narrative Approach to History Education: An Israeli Palestinian Project
Eyal Naveh
18 The Narrative Approach to Shared Education: Insights from Jerusalem
Myriam Darmoni-Charbit and Noa Shapira
19 Imagined Communities: Staging Shared Society in Israel
Lee Perlman and Sinai Peter
20 Arts as a Sphere for the Study of History
Philipp Schmidt-Rhaesa, Jürgen Scheffler and Lilach Naishtat-Bornstein
Intended audience includes university researchers, educators and other stakeholders in the education system, including teachers, pre-service teachers, college and university students, school principals, NGO leaders and policy makers.
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