Cultural Transfer of Music between Byzantium and the West?

The Case of the Chants of the So-Called Missa Graeca


This is the first comprehensive study of Greek language ordinary chants ( Gloria/Doxa, Credo/Pisteuo, Sanctus/Hagios and Agnus Dei/Amnos tu theu) in Western manuscripts from the 9th to 14th centuries. These chants – known as “Missa Graeca” – have been the subject of academic research for over a hundred years. So far, however, research has been almost exclusively from a Western point of view, without knowledge of the Byzantine sources. For the first time, this book presents an in-depth analysis of these chants and their historical, linguistic and theological-liturgical environment from a Byzantine perspective. The new approach enables the author to refute numerous (and largely contradictory) theories on the origin and development of the Missa Graeca and provides new answers to old questions.

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Mag. Dr. Nina-Maria Wanek (1974), Vienna University, is a senior researcher in Byzantine and Modern Greek music from the middle ages until the 20th century, Western plainchant as well as 20th century Austrian music. She has published numerous monographs and articles on these topics, including a book on Sticheraria in Late and Post-Byzantine Times as well as on the Byzantine music-liturgical manuscripts at the Austrian National Library. Currently she is conducting a major research project on “Psalm Composition in Middle- and Late Byzantium” at Vienna University.
List of Figures and Tables

1 The Chants of the Missa graeca
 1.1 Definition
 1.2 Critical Review of the Literature
 1.3 The Messe grecque of St Denis

2 The Missa graeca in Music-Liturgical Manuscripts
 Geographical Aspect
 Chronological Aspect
 Monastic Aspect
 2.1 East Frankish Manuscripts
 2.2 West Frankish Manuscripts
 2.3 Placement and Order of the Chants
 2.4 Tropes or No Tropes?

3 The Missa graeca in Other Manuscripts
 3.1 The Sacramentaries as First Witnesses
 3.2 Glossaries, Grammars, and Anthologies
 3.3 Psalters
 3.4 The All-Saints Litany

4 The Texts of the Missa Graeca Chants
 a) Alphabets
 b) Glossaries and Grammars
 c) Hermeneumata
 d) Psalters
 4.1  Doxa / Gloria
 4.2  Pisteuo / Credo
 4.3  Hagios / Sanctus
 4.4 Amnos tu theu / Agnus Dei

5 The Melodies of the Missa Graeca Chants
 Difficulties in Comparing Western with Byzantine Melodies
 5.1  Doxa / Gloria
 5.2  Credo / Pisteuo
 5.3  Hagios / Sanctus
 5.4 O amnos tu theu / Agnus Dei

6 Historical Background and Development
 6.1 Notker’s ellinici fratres
 6.2  Conclusion: Towards a New Assessment of the Missa graeca

Glossary of Technical Terms
Index of Persons
Index of Subjects
Index of Places
Index of Incipits
Index of Manuscripts
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