Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion. Volume 13 (2022)

Jews and Muslims in Europe. Between Discourse and Experience


Volume Editors: and
This Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion contributes cases of encounters, diversities and distances to an emerging Jewish-Muslim Studies field. The scholarly essays address both discourses about and lived experiences of minorities in contemporary French, German and UK cities. The authors explore how particular modes of governance and secularism shape individual and collective identities while new technologies re-make interfaith encounters. This volume shows that Middle Eastern and North African pasts and presents weigh on European realities, examines how the pull of Jewish intellectual history is felt by a new generation of Muslim scholars and activists, and uncovers how Orthodox communities negotiate living side by side.

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Samuel Sami Everett, PhD (SOAS, University of London), is Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge/MPI-MMG. His most recent book is Jewish-Muslim Interactions: Performing Cultures between North Africa and France (2020, Liverpool University Press) with Rebekah Vince.
Ben Gidley, PhD is a Senior Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London. Gidley has published on urban citizenship and belonging. His most recent book is Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe - A Shared Story? (2017, Palgrave) with James Renton.
Contributors are: Elisabeth Becker, Sultan Doughan, Yulia Egorova, Samuel Sami Everett, Ben Gidley, Samia Hathroubi, Hanane Karimi, Ben Kasstan, Dani Kranz, Nadia Malinovich, Nonna Mayer, Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, Dekel Peretz, Ruth Sheldon, Vincent Tiberj, Ufuk Topkara.

List of Figures and Tables

Notes on Contributors

Introduction Jews and Muslims in Europe. Between Discourse and Experience
   Ben Gidley and Samuel Sami Everett

part 1
Jews and Muslims in Germany
1 Abrahamic Stranger Muslim German Intellectuals on Jewish German Intellecturals and Questions of Belonging
   Elisabeth Becker and Ufuk Topkara

2 Desiring Memorials Jews, Muslims, and the Human of Citizenship
   Sultan Doughan

3 The Politics of Hospitality Welcome and Not So Welcome Middle Easterners in Germany
   Dani Kranz

4 Precarious Companionship Discourses of Adversity and Commonality in Jewish-Muslim Dialogue Initiatives in Germany
   Alexander-Kenneth Nagel and Dekel Peretz

part 2
Muslims and Jews in France
5 Learning the Language of the Other? Hebrew and Arabic in Two Parisian Associations
   Samia Hathroubi

6 Between Meta-History and Memory Narrating the Jewish-Muslim Past in Morocco and Present in France
   Nadia Malinovich

7 Constructing the Otherness of Jews and Muslims in France
   Hanane Karimi

8 Jews and Muslims in Sarcelles Face to Face or Side by Side?
   Nonna Mayer and Vincent Tiberj

part 3
Jews and Muslims in the UK
9 The Avoidance of Love? Rubbing Shoulders in the Secular City
   Ruth Sheldon

10 “This Is Just Where We Are in History” Jewish-Muslim Dialogue, Temporality, and Modalities of Solidarity
   Yulia Egorova

11 Orthodox Fraternities and Contingent Equalities Muslims and Jews between Public (Health) Policy Discourse and Experience
   Ben Kasstan

12 Locality, Spatiality and Contingency in East London An Interview with Michael Keith
   Ben Gidley


This collection is of interest to researchers, students, teachers and practitioners in the field of Jewish-Muslim relations including in Anthropology, Sociology, History, Urban Studies, as well as European, Jewish, and Islamic Studies.
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