Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics reveals the original version, previously considered lost, of a landmark work in Arabic philosophy. Undoubtedly authored by the Cordovan thinker Averroes (1126-1198), this “middle” commentary is distinct from the
Long Commentary and the
Short Commentary in method, several doctrinal elements, and scope (it includes books M and N of the Stagirite’s treatise). These points and the transmission of the
Middle Commentary at the crossroads of Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin traditions are addressed in the introduction, which also establishes that the work was extensively quoted by the mystical philosopher Ibn Sabʿīn (13th c.). The edition of the text and the facing translation follow. At the end of the book are Ibn Sabʿīn’s quotations, along with extensive indexes.
Maroun Aouad, Ph.D. (1981), Université de Paris I, is Directeur de recherche émérite at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). He has published critical éditions, translations and many articles on Arabic Philosophy including Averroes'
Commentaire moyen à la Rhétorique
d’Aristote. Édition critique du texte arabe et traduction française (Vrin, 2002).
All interested in philosophy, especially the Greco-Arabic tradition of metaphysics and anyone concerned with ecdotical problems and search of manuscripts.