The Riches of Intercultural Communication

Volume 2: Multilingual and Intercultural Competences Approaches


How do you react to an intercultural situation that you do not understand? There are four options. You wait until it's over. You adjust your behavior and “do as the natives do.” You blame the other as strange and stupid. Or you start to wonder by thinking about yourself and the other(s). This last option is called a Rich Point. This book provides an overview of research into intercultural communication. It is not a handbook but offers nine studies that illustrate the reflection process from different scholarly perspectives. The approaches in this volume are the multilingualism approach and transfer approach including research into intercultural competences. Volume 1 offers nine additional chapters exemplifying the interaction approach, contrastive approach, and cultural representational approach. Together, the chapters illustrate the essence of the essentialism and non-essentialism debate regarding diversity and inclusion.

Have you ever found yourself in an intercultural situation you did not understand? How did you react? Did you wonder if you could have reacted differently? What have you learnt that could support you in similar future occasions? Test your knowledge of Intercultural Communication with this quiz!


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Roselinde Supheert is assistant professor of English Language and Literature at Utrecht University. Her research focuses on adaptation, reception and intercultural communication. Recent publications include (with Roos Beerkens, Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman, and Jan D. ten Thije, eds.) Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers (Routledge Focus on Communication Studies. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020); and the Map Your Hero(ine) website:

Gandolfo Cascio is assistant professor of Italian Literature and Translation Studies at Utrecht University. His areas of research are reception aesthetics and digital philology. He has published the monographs Michelangelo in Parnaso. La ricezione delle «Rime» tra gli scrittori (Venice: Marsilio, 2019; English trans. Brill, 2022); Dolci detti. Dante, la letteratura e i poeti (Venice: Marsilio, 2021; Nino Martoglio Prize) and the collection of essays Le ore del meriggio. Saggi critici (Castiglione di Sicilia: Il Convivio, 2020; G.A. Borgese Prize). Currently he is carrying out the ICON-funded project Observatory on Dante Studies.

Jan D. ten Thije is professor emeritus of Intercultural Communication at the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication at Utrecht University. His main fields of research concern institutional discourse in multicultural and international settings, receptive multilingualism, intercultural training, language education, and functional pragmatics. He is Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal for Applied Linguistics (EuJAL) published by Mouton de Gruyter and Series Editor of Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication published by Brill.
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

Part 4 Multilingual Approach

11 Speaking Dutch in Indonesia: Language and Identity
Martin Everaert, Anne-France Pinget and Dorien Theuns

12 The Effect of Migration on Identity: Sociolinguistic Research in a Plurilingual Setting
Elisa Candido

13 The Impact of Bilingual Education on Written Language Development of Turkish-German Students’ L2
Esin Gülbeyaz

14 Linguistic Advantages of Bilingualism: The Acquisition of Dutch Pronominal Gender
Elena Tribushinina and Pim Mak

Part 5 Transfer / Intercultural Competence Approach

15 Different Frames of Reference [The Thing about Dutch Windows]
Debbie Cole

16 Education, Mobility and Higher Education: Fostering Mutual Knowledge through Peer Feedback
Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman and Michèle Ammouche-Kremers

17 English & Cultural Diversity: A Website for Teaching English as a World Language
Bridget van de Grootevheen

18 Turning International Experience into Intercultural Learning: Intercultural Ethnographies of Students Abroad
Jana Untiedt and Annelies Messelink

19 The Intercultural Deskpad: A Reflection Tool to Enhance Intercultural Competences
Karen Schoutsen, Rosanne Severs and Jan D. ten Thije

Appendix: Contents Volume 1
Index of Names
General Index
This volume is aimed at scholars and students in the field of intercultural communication. In addition, professionals are addressed, such as policy makers working in public and non-profit organizations, or coaches active in developing a multicultural and inclusive business environment.
You may find volume 1 at this link.
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