Capital, Race and Space, Volume I

The Far Right from Bonapartism to Fascism


In this first volume of Capital, Race and Space, Richard Saull offers an international historical sociology of the European far-right from its origins in the 1848 revolutions to fascism. Providing a distinct and original explanation of the evolution and mutations of the far-right Saull emphasizes its international causal dimensions through the prism of uneven and combined development.

Focusing on the twin (political and economic) transformations that dominated the second half of the nineteenth century the book discusses the connections between class, race, and geography in the evolution of far-right movements and how the crises in the development of a liberal world order were central to the advance of the far-right ultimately helping to produce fascism.

Volumes I and II of Capital, Race and Space were shortlisted for the 2024 BISA IPEG book prize (for best book published in the field of IPE in 2023), and subsequently recognised by the IPEG Book Prize Committee as Highly Commended. The shortlisted books represent the very best of IPE scholarship, cutting across disciplinary boundaries and addressing timely topics.

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Richard Saull is Reader in International Politics at Queen Mary, University of London. He has published widely on the history and politics of the far-right and is co-editor of The Longue Durée of the Far-Right: An International Historical Sociology (2015).
"Capital, Race and Space represents an ambitious piece of scholarship, analysing the far right in the longue durée, from French Revolution to the present day. Speaking to multiple areas of IPE and other fields, the book contends that the liberal state has developed in tandem with, and has been at key times of crisis reliant upon, the far right. It employs in particular the concept of uneven and combined development (within a rich and sophisticated theoretical framework), which is used to explore the often overlooked importance of the international dimension in generating the far right. The book is fascinating, highly pertinent to the present day and convincingly argued."
- The IPEG Book Prize Committee of the British International Studies Association, 2024 (see the International Political Economy Working Group 2024 Book Prize announcement)



1Theorizing the Far-Right over the Longue Durée
 1 Situating the Study of the Far-Right

 2 Marxist Theorizations of the Far-Right
 2.1 Capitalism, Crisis and Fascism

 2.2 The Social Basis of Fascism

 2.3 Bonapartism and the Fascist State

 3 An Alternative Theoretical Framework – Capital, Race and Space

 4 Uneven and Combined Development and the Pathologies of Capital

 5 The International-Geopolitical Determinants of the Far-Right

 6 The Contradictions of Liberalism and Liberal Orders

 7 Race: Master Signifier of the Far-Right

 8 Conclusions

2The Politics of the 1848 Revolutions and the Origins of the Far-Right
 1 Historicizing the 1848 Revolutions and the Contradictions of Liberal Modernity over the Longue Durée

 2 The Politics of the Ancien Régime Right before 1848

 3 The Politics of the 1848 Revolutions and the Emergence of the Far-Right

 4 The Emergence of Bonapartism as a Model Far-Right State

 5 Conclusions

3The Rise of the Far-Right
 1 Capitalist Imperialism and Geopolitics in the Rise of the European Far-Right

 2 Race and Racialized Politics in the Developing Liberal International Order

 3 Germany: from Elite to Subaltern Far-Right

 4 The Alldeutscher Verband

 5 Bund der Landwirte

 6 France: the Rise of a ‘Revolutionary’ Right Prefiguring Fascism

 7 Britain: Hegemonic Decline and the Structural Limits on the Rise of the Far-Right

 8 Conclusions

4Fascism: ‘Revolution’ of the Right
 1 Framing Fascism as a Form of Far-Right

 2 The Crisis of the Bourgeois State and the Rise of Fascism
 2.1 Italy: the Crisis of Liberal Hegemony and the Revolutionary Origins of Fascism

 2.2 Germany: Capitalist Crisis and the International Political-Economic Contradictions of the Weimar Republic

 2.3 The Social Bases of Fascism

 2.4 The Political Character of Fascism

 3 The Political Economy of the Fascist State
 3.1 Organization of the Economy

 3.2 A Sui Generis Capitalist War Economy

 3.3 Nazi Imperialism: a Provisional and Bifurcated System

 4 Liberal Order and the Rise of Fascism

 5 Conclusions



All interested in the history and politics of the European far right and fascism and especially those interested in the international relations and political economy of the far-right.
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