Politeia and Koinōnia

Studies in Ancient Greek History in Honour of Josine Blok


Politeia and Koinōnia are forms of government and citizenship, community and participation, from Sappho’s social and political status to the economic and religious activity of women, from the reforms of Solon to the French Revolution. This book by leading scholars in ancient Greek history explores the most important aspects of Greek civilization and those that stirred the most our modern curiosity and our modern perceptions of Greek antiquity. The reason to organize this unique international exchange of ideas was to celebrate the outstanding scholarly achievement of Professor Josine Blok on the occasion of her retirement in 2019.

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Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge is Professor at the Collège de France, Paris, after having been researcher at the FNRS (Belgium) and teaching at the Université de Liège. She has published many articles on ancient Greek religion and monographs, including L’Aphrodite grecque (1994), Retour à la source: Pausanias et la religion grecque (2008), Le Polythéisme grec à l’épreuve d’Hérodote (2020), and The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse (2022, with Gabriella Pironti).
Marek Węcowski is associate Professor at the University of Warsaw. Educated in Warsaw and at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), former junior fellow at the Center of Hellenic Studies (Harvard University). He has published numerous articles on ancient Greek historiography, social and cultural history and several monographs, including The Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet (2014) and Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose. A Prisoner’s Dilemma (2022).
Notes on Contributors

Part 1 Citizenship

1 Was Sappho a Citizen? Social and Political Aspects of Sappho’s Poetry
André Lardinois

2 Early Greek Poetry, Social Mobility, and Solon’s Census Classes
Marek Węcowski

3 Citizens as Drinkers? A Glimpse from the Countryside of the Archaic Argolid
Gunnel Ekroth

4 How (Not) to Be a Citizen: Subordination and Participation of the perioikoi in Hellenistic Sparta (and Elsewhere)
Christel Müller

5 Citizenship as the City’s Revealing Mirror: Comparative Considerations on the Content and the Historical Context of Citizenship in Athens and Rome
Kostas Buraselis

Part 2 Historiography

6 Herodotus, Thucydides, and the ‘Wheel of History’: Patterns of Historical Interpretation
Kurt A. Raaflaub

7 Documenting the Past: Primary Sources in Fourth-century Historiography
Nino Luraghi

8 Polis Patriotism and the Writing of Athenian History: Philochoros of Athens
Rosalind Thomas

9 Athens and the French Revolution
Oswyn Murray

Part 3 Participation: Politics and Beyond

10 Lottery and Mixture in the Greek Polis
Irad Malkin

11 Elis and Pisatis: A Case Study in Political Participation
Hans-Joachim Gehrke

12 Beyond the Limits of the Polis? Once Again on the Relations between Teos and Abdera
Maurizio Giangiulio

13 Tragedy, Tribes and the Civic Landscape in Classical Athens
François de Polignac

14 Without Dust
Thomas Heine Nielsen

15 Women’s Work? Who Made Textiles in the Ancient Greek World?
Lin Foxhall

16 Xenokrateia the Athenian and her Tailor-made Divine Team
Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge

Part 4 Valedictory Lecture

17 Sortition and Democracy
Josine Blok

The book will interest scholars and post-graduate students in Ancient Greek History. It should easily find its place in all academic libraries that have an antiquity department.
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