Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 21 (CMR 21), covering South-western Europe in the period 1800-1914, is a further volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the 7th century to the early 20th century. It comprises a series of introductory essays and the main body of detailed entries. These treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. They provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous new and established scholars,
CMR 21, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a fundamental tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.
Section Editors: Ines Aščerić-Todd, Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Jaco Beyers, Emanuele Colombo, Lejla Demiri, Martha T. Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Alan M. Guenther, Vincenzo Lavenia, Arely Medina, Diego Melo Carrasco, Alain Messaoudi, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Reza Pourjavady, Douglas Pratt, Charles Ramsey, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Cornelia Soldat, Charles Tieszen, Carsten Walbiner, Catherina Wenzel.
David Thomas FBA, PhD (1983) in Islamic Studies, University of Lancaster, is Emeritus Professor of Christianity and Islam at the University of Birmingham. Among his most recent works are
The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian-Muslim Relations, 600-1500 (Bloomsbury, 2022),
Christian-Muslim Relations, Primary Sources 600-1914, with Martha T. Frederiks and Clinton Bennett (3 vols, Bloomsbury, 2023), as well as
CMR vols 1-20 (Brill, 2009-23).
John Chesworth, PhD (2008) in Religious Studies, University of Birmingham, is Research Officer for
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History 1500-1900 at the University of Birmingham, co-editing CMR vols 6-20 (Brill, 2014-23). He has published on Christian-Muslim Relations in both Europe and Africa, most recently
Mixed Messages: Using the Bible and Qurʾān in Swahili Tracts (Brill, 2022).
Foreword ix
Abbreviations xvi
Alain Messaoudi, Introduction: Perceptions of Islam in France during the 19th century 3
Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Introduction: Iberia 1800-1914 17
Emanuele Colombo and Vincenzo Lavenia, Introduction: Italy before and after Unification: Islam, Orientalism, Colonialism 24
Radha Dalal, Nineteenth-century French photography and European impressions of Ottoman lands 55
Alejandro García-Sanjuán, Memories of al-Andalus in 19th-century Spain 70
Clinton Bennett, Orientalism and the Orient as other 80
Constantin-François Volney Sarga Moussa 97
Jean Potocki Émilie Klene 109
Denon Patrice Bret 123
Antoine-Isaac Silvestre de Sacy John Chesworth 132
Comte de Forbin Rose-Marie Le Rouzic 139
Ignatius Mouradgea d’Ohsson Yaser Gün 149
François Rene de Chateaubriand Pierre Glaudes 162
Astolphe de Custine Alain Guyot 185
Eusèbe de Salle Alain Messaoudi 194
Edgar Quinet Florence Fix 201
Joseph Marin Adolphe Noël des Vergers Annliese Nef 207
Caussin de Perceval Renaud Soler 215
Albert de Biberstein Kazimirski Mouhamadoul-Khaly Wélé 220
Dictionaries and encyclopaedias produced by Christian institutions Claude Prudhomme 409
French missionary journals Claude Prudhomme 425
Catholic scholarly journals Claude Prudhomme 434
Edouard Montet Alain Messaoudi 442
Bernard Carra de Vaux Emmanuel Pisani 451
Frei João de Sousa Isabel Drumond Braga 467
Manuel de Santo Tomás de Aquino Luis F. Bernabé Pons 473
Ali Bey el Abbassi Jan Loop 478
Adolfo de Rivadeneyra José F. Cutillas 486
Italy and Malta
Giovanni Mariti Felicita Tramontana 497
La riforma dell’Alcorano Gian Mario Cazzaniga 502
Baldassarre II Odescalchi David Armando 513
Giovanni Battista Casti David Armando 517
Giuseppe Vella Alessandro Vanoli 523
Giuseppe Calza Luca Berardi 529
Francesco Rovira Bonet Marina Caffiero 532
Paolino da S Bartolomeo Sabina Pavone 538
Felice Caronni Valerio Vittorini 546
Simone Assemani Arianna D’Ottone and Bruno Callegher 552
Filippo Pananti Valerio Vittorini 560
Michelangelo Lanci Elisabetta Benigni 564
Paolo Della Cella Elisabetta Serafini 570
Attilio Belzoni Valerio Vittorini 575
Jean-Emile Humbert Francesca Sofia 580
Salvatore Morso Alessandro Vanoli 585
Giovanni Battista Rampoldi Roberto Tottoli 588
Giovanni Battista Baldelli Boni Federico Stella 591
Amalia Nizzoli Elisabetta Serafini 596
Giovanni Antonio Vassallo William Zammit 603
Vincenzo Calza Federico Stella 608
Giacomo Bossi Edoardo Tortarolo 613
Michelangelo Celesia Federico Stella 616
Giuseppe Sapeto Francesco Surdich 622
Cristina di Belgiojoso Valerio Vittorini 629
Andrea Zambelli Roberto Tottoli 635
Felice de Angeli Bruno Pomara 640
Giuseppe Anaclerio Elisabetta Serafini 645
Michele Amari Alessandro Vanoli 650
Rocco da Cesinale Michele Camaioni 661
Domenico Cerri Giovanni Frulla 667
Pietro Valerga Elisabetta Benigni 673
Jacopo Bernardi Felicita Tramontana 679
Vincenzo d’Avino Federico Stella 684
Alberto Guglielmotti David Armando 691
Renzo Manzoni Giovanni Canova 695
Antonio Stoppani Nicola Verderame 703
Alessandro D’Ancona Valentina Sagaria Rossi 707
Bartolomeo Lagumina Federico Stella 715
Angelo De Gubernatis Francesca Bellino 721
Emilio Salgari Masturah Alatas 727
Lupo Buonazia Francesca Bellino 736
Carlo Alfonso Nallino Valentina Sagaria Rossi 740
Ugo Mioni Tommaso Caliò 751
Aldobrandino Malvezzi Vincenzo Lavenia 756
Enrico Cerulli Gianfrancesco Lusini 769
Leone Caetani Andrea Trentini 773
Contributors 783
Index of Names 000
Index of Titles 000
Specialists in the history of Christian-Muslim relations, Islamicists, historians of European migration and colonial expansion, textual specialists, missiologists, and theologians.