Sahidic Coptic Leviticus

Its Manuscript Witnesses and Its Text


Until recently, the Sahidic Old Testament has received little attention. In Sahidic Coptic Leviticus, Antonia St Demiana fully documents, for the first time, the manuscript evidence of Sahidic Coptic Leviticus and offers a full codicological investigation and reconstruction of its codices and fragments. By surveying the dispersed Sahidic Leviticus fragments and folios, codices formerly considered to be independent of one another are reconstructed and unified, and new Leviticus fragments are identified and virtually assigned to their original codices. A semi-diplomatic edition of the most complete witness of Sahidic Leviticus, MLM M566, with the variae lectiones from the other Sahidic Leviticus witnesses is provided with a critical apparatus and English translation. A commentary including an introductory textual study and translation analysis of the text is also presented. In addition, this volume offers new and conclusive observations on the nature of the Sahidic version of Leviticus, and the relationship between the text of Sahidic Leviticus and its Greek Vorlage.

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Antonia St Demiana, Ph.D. (2020), Macquarie University, is a Coptic Orthodox nun at Archangel Michael Monastery in Woodend, Victoria. Her research encompasses the codicological and philological aspects of Sahidic Coptic codices, with a particular focus on the edition, translation, and transmission of the Sahidic Coptic texts contained therein.
List of Figures and Tables
List of Plates
General Abbreviations
Abbreviations of Journals, Periodicals and Series
Abbreviations of Library and Museum Codes
Abbreviations of Editions and Other Publications

Introduction: Sahidic Leviticus

1 Manuscript Evidence for Sahidic Leviticus
 1.1 Collection Call Numbers
 1.2 Inventory of Fragments and Folios
 1.3 Concordance of Call Numbers and Sigla
 1.4 Dating and Provenance

2 Descriptive Method
 2.1 Codex
 2.2 Provenance, Location and Acquisition
 2.3 Dating
 2.4 Contents of Codex
 2.5 Codicological Aspects of Leviticus in Codex
 2.6 Layout
 2.7 Script
 2.8 Orthography
 2.9 Decoration
 2.10 State of Research: Literature and Editions
 2.11 Attestations of Sahidic Leviticus

3 Witnesses of Sahidic Leviticus
 3.1 Biblical Codices Containing Sahidic Leviticus
 3.2 Liturgical Codices Containing Leviticus
 3.3 Papyrus Leviticus Fragment
 3.4 Sahidic Literary Codices Containing Quotations from Leviticus
 3.5 Attestations of Sahidic Leviticus

4 Edition of Codex A (MLM M566) with Critical Apparatus and Translation
 4.1 Editorial Remarks
 4.2 Editorial Sigla
 4.3 Other Editiorial Signs
 4.4 Abbreviations Used in the Critical Apparatus
 4.5 Symbols Used in the Critical Apparatus
 4.6 Edition of Codex A ( MLM M566) with Critical Apparatus and Translation

5 Commentary on the Text of Sahidic Leviticus
 5.1 Translation Technique
 5.2 Unintentional Changes
 5.3 Commentary Exclusions
 5.4 The Greek Vorlage
 5.5 Commentary

6 Affiliations of the Sahidic Manuscripts and Their Textual Character
 6.1 Affiliations of the Sahidic Manuscripts
 6.2 Lexical Aspects of the Sahidic Witnesses
 6.3 Relationship of Sahidic Leviticus to Its Greek Vorlage

Concluding Remarks

Appendix 1: Re-edition of P.Ifao Copte 215A (Codex B)
Appendix 2: Editio princeps of BnF Copte 1331 f.23 + UML P.Mich.Inv.4969.30 (Codex B)
Appendix 3: Editio princeps of CUL Or.1699Πii ff.1–4 + BnF Copte 1322 ff.7 & 8 + BnF Copte 1291 ff.67–68 (Codex C)
Appendix 4: Re-edition of Privatsammlung Schüssler (Codex D)
Appendix 5: Editio princeps of BnF Copte 1614 f.27 (Codex D)
Appendix 6: Editio princeps of BAV Borg.copt.109, cass.10, fasc.32, f.2 (Codex I)
Appendix 7: Editio princeps of BL Or.4916.1 (Fragment J)
Appendix 8: Indices of Græco-Coptic Loanwords, Proper Names, and Toponyms in MLM M566
Appendix 9: Explanatory Glosses in Sahidic Leviticus
Index of Ancient Sources
Index of Modern Authors
Index of Subjects
All those interested in the Sahidic Coptic Bible and the codicological nature of the Sahidic Leviticus manuscripts; anyone concerned with the transmission history of the Sahidic Old Testament and its relationship to the Greek.
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