Josephus' Jewish War and its Slavonic Version

A Synoptic Comparison


This volume presents in English translation the Slavonic version of Josephus Flavius' Jewish War, long inaccessible to Anglophone readers, according to N.A. Meščerskij's scholarly edition, together with his erudite and wide-ranging study of literary, historical and philological aspects of the work, a textological apparatus and commentary. The synoptic layout of the Slavonic and Greek versions in parallel columns enables the reader to compare their content in detail. It will be seen that the divergences are far more extensive than those indicated hitherto.

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Pages: 641–682
Henry Leeming, B.A. in Classics (Manchester, 1949) and Russian (London, 1952), Ph.D. in Slavonic Studies (London, 1960), Reader Emeritus of London University, Corresponding Member of Slovene (SAZU) and Polish (PAU) Academies, has published extensively on comparative Slavonic lexicology and early translation technique.
Kate Leeming, D.Phil. (Oxford, 1997), studied Classics at Oxford University. She specialised in Medieval Eastern Christianity and wrote a doctoral thesis on the translation of Byzantine hagiographies into Arabic.
Lyubov V. Osinkina holds a Doctor's degree (1983) of St. Petersburg University, and was a student of N.A. Meščerskij. In 1995 she became an Associate Member of Staff of the Department of Slavonic Languages and Literatures at the University of Glasgow. Currently she studies at Wolfson College, Oxford University, for the degree of D.Phil. in the history of Medieval Slavonic texts.
"…an enormous achievement … This is an immense contribution to scholarship for all students of Russian history, philology, and literature…" – J. Ian Press, in: SEER, 2004
Scholars and students of Flavius Josephus, Judaism, Early Church History, and Roman History of the Flavian Era.
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