Averroes the philosopher was the Commentator of Aristotle. In this, the project of his life coincided with the perception of his contemporary readers and with the esteem governing four centuries of European Aristotelianism. It has been the purpose of the 4th Symposium Averroicum to contribute to a better understanding of this philosophy: both on the basis of Averroes' works and in the light of his sources. The Symposium, held in conjunction with the 6th Editors Conference of the
Averrois Opera, brought together eminent scholars and researchers on Averroes and adjacent areas. Their contributions are presented in four sections:
- The Project of Averroes
- Averroes and the Hellenistic Commentators
- Averroes, the Commentator
- Averroes and the Latin Tradition
A bibliography of editions and contributions to the text is appended (to date 1998).
Ce recueil impressionnant et superbement édité se veut une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de la pensée d'Averroès...Ce beau recueil se termine par une bibliographie extrêmement utile...'
Léon J. Elders,
Revue Thomiste, 1999.
…celui-ci est un ouvrage de référence indispensable pour tout chercheur investi dans les etudes sur Averroès et plus largement dans l'étude de la transmission de la philosophie grecque à la philosophie arabe.'
Ali Benmakhlouf,
Bulletin Critique des Annales Islamologiques, 2001.
Scholars in the history of philosophy, in medieval philosophy, and in Islamic and Jewish studies.