Zhipan’s Account of the History of Buddhism in China

Volume 3: Fozu tongji, juan 43-48: The Song Dynasty

The Fozu tongji by Zhipan (ca. 1220–1275) is a key text of Chinese Buddhist historiography. The core of the work is formed by the “Fayun tongsai zhi,” an annalistic history of Buddhism in China, which extends through Fozu tongji, juan 34–48.
Thomas Jülch now presents a translation of the “Fayun tongsai zhi” in three volumes. This third volume covers the annalistic display concerning the Song dynasty.
Offering elaborate annotations, Jülch succeeds in clarifying the backgrounds to the historiographic contents, which Zhipan presents in highly essentialized style. Regarding the historical matters addressed in the material translated for the present volume, the Fozu tongji is often the earliest source. In several cases, inaccuracies in Zhipan’s account can however still be discerned, and Jülch succeeds in employing other sources to reveal and correct those errors.

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Thomas Jülch, Ph.D. 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, was research fellow at Ghent University until 2019, and now continues his work as an independent scholar. He has widely published in the field of medieval Chinese Buddhism and Daoism. His works include: Bodhisattva der Apologetik: die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönchs Falin (Munich: Utz, 2014), 3 vols; and The Zhenzheng lun by Xuanyi: A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China (New York: Routledge, 2019). He is also editor of The Middle Kingdom and the Dharma Wheel: Aspects of the Relationship Between the Buddhist Samgha and the State in Chinese History (Leiden: Brill, 2016) and Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China (Louvain: Peeters, 2022).
9789004680135 Acknowledgements

Introduction to Fozu tongji, juan 43–48
 1 Tiantai Buddhism, Chan Buddhism, and the Eminent Monks
 2 Important Monasteries, Sacred Mountains, and Their Geographic Locations
 3 Buddhist Laymen with Confucian Background
 4 The Buddhist Confrontation with Neoconfucianism
 5 The Buddhist Confrontation with Daoism
 6 Buddhist and Daoist Prophecy
 7 The Jurchen Invasion of Northern China
 8 Intertextuality
 9 Alternative Names

Preliminary Remarks


Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 10
 Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 10

Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 11
 Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 11

Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 12
 Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 12

Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 13
 Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 13

Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 14
 Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 14

Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 15

Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
All interested in medieval Chinese Buddhism, or sinologists with a wider interest, as Zhipan’s historiography also refers to Daoism and Confucianism.
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