Unending Variety

Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen


This is a Festschrift offered by friends and colleagues to papyrologist and ancient historian Peter van Minnen. The volume contains the edition or re-edition of 52 papyri and ostraca, dating from between the third century BCE and the eighth century CE. Their subjects vary from Demosthenes to the delivery of camels in early Islamic Egypt, and their provenances stretch from the Eastern to the Western Desert, and from the Egyptian Nile valley to Qasr Ibrim in northern Nubia. All texts are published with transcription, translation, commentary and colour photographs. In addition, there are five studies, reflecting the honorand’s wide-ranging interests.

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Andrew J. Connor, Ph.D. (2015), University of Cincinnati, is Senior Lecturer in Ancient History in the Centre for Ancient Cultures at Monash University. He has published historical and papyrological studies of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, and is the author of Confiscation or Coexistence: Egyptian Temples in the Age of Augustus (2022).

Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, Ph.D. (2005), University of Groningen, is Professor of Classics at the University of Ottawa. Trained as a papyrologist but multidisciplinary in research, he is the author of numerous studies on Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt, including Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion. A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298–642 CE) (2008) and The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020, with J. van der Vliet).

Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, MA (1980) and PhD (2008), both Leiden University, was Lecturer in Papyrology at the Leiden Papyrological Institute between 1980 and 2022. She has published Greek papyri from various collections, including Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (2023, with J.V. Stolk) and has been co-editor of the Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten. Since her retirement she continues her papyrological studies as a guest researcher of Leiden University.

With contributions by Giuseppina Azzarello, Thomas Backhuys, Roger S. Bagnall, Amin Benaissa, Mario Capasso, Acacia Chan, Marie-Pierre Chaufray, Willy Clarysse, Andrew J. Connor, Hélène Cuvigny, Alain Delattre, Tomasz Derda, Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, Jean-Luc Fournet, †Traianos Gagos, Jean Gascou, Nikolaos Gonis, Ann Ellis Hanson, Todd M. Hickey, Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, James G. Keenan, Thomas Kruse, Csaba A. La’da, Adam Łajtar, Nikos Litinas, Fritz Mitthof, Federico Morelli, Amphilochios Papathomas, Natascia Pellé, Tomasz Płóciennik, Fabian Reiter, Sofie Remijsen, Timothy Renner, Corinna Rossi, C. Michael Sampson, John Tait, Athanassios Vergados, Arthur Verhoogt, Ewa Wipszycka and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer.
Table of Texts
Tabula gratulatoria
Bibliography of Peter van Minnen (up to 2022)
Abbreviated Literature
Editorial Notation

Text Editions

1–8 Ptolemaic Surety Documents in the Ashmolean Museum
Marie-Pierre Chaufray and Willy Clarysse

9 Fragment of a Medical Treatise with Discussion of Eye Disorders
Timothy Renner

10–11 Two Documents Concerning Grain Deliveries from Qasr Ibrim
Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar and Tomasz Płóciennik

12–18 Seven Greek Ostraca from Soknopaiou Nesos
Natascia Pellé

19 List of Individuals with Scar Descriptions
Andrew J. Connor

20 Lettre d’un chasseur trouvée à Berkou (désert Oriental)
Hélène Cuvigny

21 Conclusion of a Letter
Arthur Verhoogt

22 The Return of the Boukoloi
†Traianos Gagos and Nikos Litinas

23 A Private Letter from the Beinecke Library
Acacia Chan and Ann Ellis Hanson

24 A Philosophical Papyrus from Soknopaiou Nesos
Mario Capasso

25 Aufstellung von Zahlungen in Gerste für Löhne und Mieten auf einem Weingut
Fabian Reiter

26–28 Three Official Documents in a Tomos Synkollesimos
Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk

29 Lieferungskauf von Weinamphoren aus einer Töpferei
Thomas Kruse

30 An ‘Asiatic’ Slave Sold in Hermopolis
Amin Benaissa

31 A Register of Land with Numbered Koitai from Hermopolis
Athanassios Vergados

32–35 Papyri from Umm el-Dabadib (Kharga Oasis)
Corinna Rossi, Alain Delattre and Roger S. Bagnall

36–38 Three Literary Papyri from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Expedition to the Kharga Oasis
C. Michael Sampson

39–41 Three Late Antique Documents
Todd M. Hickey, James G. Keenan and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

42 List of Geographical Names from the Late Antique Herakleopolite Nome
Csaba A. La’da and Amphilochios Papathomas

43-44 Deux documents de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
Jean Gascou

45-46 Une nouvelle paire de brouillons d’un rescrit impérial
Jean-Luc Fournet

47–48 Die Brüder Iosephis und Soïs: Neue Texte aus dem Dossier zweier Landwirte aus dem spätantiken Hermupolis
Fritz Mitthof

49 Sale of Part of a House
Nikolaos Gonis

50 Atias ritrovato, Atias perduto: un conto del periodo arabo senza ‘Aṭiyya ibn Ğu‘aid (CPR VIII 72)
Federico Morelli

51–52 Two Coptic Orders for Delivery
Jitse H.F. Dijkstra


Agency, Intention and Frustration in Demotic Narrative
John Tait

Zu einer wenig beachteten Neulesung Hans Gerstingers in der ‘Klage der Artemisia’ (P. Vindob. G 1)
Thomas Backhuys

Dentro e dietro le righe nei papiri di Gemello
Giuseppina Azzarello

The Archive after Dioscorus: The Dates of the Receipts in P. Cair.Masp. III 67325 and P. Flor. III 298 + P. Stras. VII 699
Sofie Remijsen

Sainte Thècle dans la Maréotide
Ewa Wipszycka

Index of Demotic Words
Index of Greek Words
Index of Coptic Words
Index of Sources
Index of Sources

Institutes of papyrology, academic libraries, specialists in and students of papyrology, Egyptology, classics and ancient history, including history of law, history of religion, history of economics.
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