Harmony and Cacophony in Large-scale Assessments in Education

A Mexican Account


Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly frequent to come across the co-existence of multiple large-scale assessment surveys within national, subnational, or local settings. Despite the overlapping of tests, time, efforts, and economic resources invested in these “assessment assemblages”, much remains to be learned about their origins, development, tensions, frictions, outcomes, and challenges. Harmony and Cacophony in Large-scale Assessments in Education delves into these issues via a critical lens and offers a case in point against which readers can place their own situations. In other words, it serves as an empirically grounded thinking toolbox to help readers problematize emerging, ongoing, or upcoming challenges related to their large-scale assessment settings.

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Israel Moreno Salto, Ph.D. (2020), University of Cambridge, is Professor of Education Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Israel has published journal articles and book chapters on comparative education, education governance and large-scale assessments in Mexico.
Foreword: Choreographing the Governing of Education
Susan L. Robertson
List of Figures and Tables

PART 1: The Large-scale Assessment Assemblage

1 Introduction: Problematizing Large-scale Assessment Programs
 1 Locating the Problem
 2 Large-scale Assessment Arrangements in a Global Context
 3 Large-scale Assessment and Governance Literatures
 4 Purpose of the Research
 5 Theoretical and Methodological Approach
 6 Layout of the Book

2 The Rise and Development of Large-scale Assessments as Tools for Governing
 1 Understanding Large-scale Assessments
 2 Large-scale Assessments Today, a Complex and Neglected Concept
 3 Efforts to Improve Education Systems
 2 Governing the Education Sector
 3 Conclusions

3 Expanding Our Understandings of Large-scale Assessments and Governance
 1 Large-scale Assessments and Governance
 2 Thinking and Pedagogical Tools
 3 Conclusions

4 Mexico’s Cacophony or Harmony of Large-scale Assessments?
 1 Large-scale Assessment Programs in Mexico
 4 PLANEA and Predecessors
 5 LSA s and Claims to Aiding Policy Decisions and Education Practices
 6 Conclusions

PART 2: Large-scale Assessments at the Local, Subnational and National

5 Local Scale: Teachers
 1 Sources of Data for Unit One
 2 Context of the Local Unit of Analysis
 3 Large-scale Assessments in the Subnational State
 4 Large-scale Assessment Data for Aiding Practice Improvement
 5 What Do Educators Know about Large-scale Assessments?
 6 Program Knowledge, Depth and Acquaintance
 7 Offering Data to Which Educators?
 8 PISA and PLANEA Publications
 9 Perceived Usefulness of Large-scale Assessment Data
 10 Unintended Large-scale Assessment Data Effects at the Local Scale
 11 Relevance of Large-scale Assessment Programs, What about the Bigger Picture?
 12 Conclusions

6 Subnational Scale: Municipal and State Policymakers
 1 Sources of Data for the Subnational Case
 2 EXCALE Large-scale Assessment
 3 Context of Preschool Education
 4 The EXCALE’s Use in Kindergarten Initiative
 5 Use of Results?
 6 Math and Literacy: A Myth?
 7 Conclusions

7 National Scale: Legislators and Secretariat Officials
 1 Policy I: The General Law for the Professional Teaching Service
 2 Policy II: Key Learnings for an Integral Education
 3 Conclusions

PART 3: Expanding Our Understandings of Large-scale Assessments

8 Governing Tools: How Large-scale Assessments Shape Visions?
 1 Scales, Bits and Tools
 2 Shaping Vertical Vision
 3 Governing Tools and the ERCE-LLECE Case
 4 Conclusions

9 Conclusions
 1 Main Research Concluding Thoughts
 2 Contributions of This Study
 3 The Large-Scale Assessment Landscape in Mexico Since the Study
 4 Future Research

University and college libraries around the world, especially those where education policy, education governance and large-scale assessments, and comparative education are provided as a subject of study and professional training.
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