Adult Education and Difference


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The world ecological system is marked by difference throughout. There is social difference with different identities, shifting and transmuting, being forged, and extra-human differences. All these have implications for intra human and human/non-human earth relations. This aspect is not always recognised and valorised. Education, though not an independent variable, still can be mobilised, together with other sources of potential transformation, to redress this situation marked by aggressions, micro and macro, inertia and indifference. It represents a number of immediate challenges for Adult Education. This compendium is intended as a useful resource in this regard. It maps out a kaleidoscope of myriad differences and suggests options for overcoming the various obstacles that stand opposed to those who seek fulfilment in the way they are discursively located. The obstacles are a dent on efforts to living in communion with the rest of the cosmos. The utopian view is that of different species living in harmony with each other. This book emphasises social/ecological justice, intersectionality and relationality as the targets for Adult Education in this relatively still new millennium.

Contributors are: Sharifah Salmah Binti Abdullah, Thi Bogossian, Lauren Bouttell, Lidiane Nunes de Castro, Anyela Nathalie Gomez Deantonio, Preeti Dagar, Raquel Galeano Giminez, Ksenija Joksimović, Kainat Khurshid, Robert Livingston, Peter Mayo, Sonia Medel, Yunah Park, Zainab Sa’id Sa’ad, Bonnie Slade, Gameli Kodzo Tordzro, Agnieszka Uflewska and Aisara Yessenova.

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Bonnie Slade, Ph.D. (2008), University of Toronto, is Professor, University of Glasgow. She has published in the areas of adult education, power relations and migration in journals, monographs, and edited books, including Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe (Brill, 2021).

Peter Mayo is Professor and UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education, University of Malta. This is his 25th book, only 9 of which are edited. Widely published, he is the editor of Brill's series 'International Issues in Adult Education', editor of Convergence: An International Adult Education Journal and founding editor of Postcolonial Directions in Education. He has been inducted into the International Adult Continuing Education Hall of Fame.

Thi Bogossian, Ph.D. (2024), University of Surrey, is Teaching Fellow in Global Development, University of East Anglia. They have published on education and difference in journals such as International Studies in Sociology of Education, Postcolonial Directions in Education, and Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Notes on Contributors

1 Introduction
Peter Mayo, Bonnie Slade and Thi Bogossian

PART 1: Gender and Sexuality

2 Critical Considerations When Conducting Adult Education Research with Transgender and Gender Non-Binary People: Working towards Reparation of Epistemic Injustice
Ksenija Joksimović

3 Challenging the Rules: Bringing Popular Culture into Adult Education to Tackle Sexuality and Gender Issues
Lidiane Nunes de Castro

PART 2: Race, Ethnicity, Migration, and Social Class

4 Rooting for the Underdog: Teaching Adult Migrant Learners with Emergent Literacy Skills
Aisara Yessenova

5 How a Universal Basic Income and Adult Education Could Shape One Another
Lauren Bouttell

6 Creating Welcoming Spaces in a ‘Hostile Environment’: Community Education for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK
Lauren Bouttell and Robert Livingston

PART 3: Intersectionality and Inclusion

7 Inclusive Adult Education in Paraguay: Spaces for Social Change
Raquel Galeano Giminez

8 Reflections on Interdisciplinary Discourses: Disabilities and Mental Health in Youth and Adult Education
Anyela Nathalie Gomez Deantonio

9 Not All Women! The Significance of Intersectionality in the Domain of Adult Education
Kainat Khurshid and Lidiane Nunes de Castro

PART 4: Social Movement Learning

10 Biodiversity and Adult Education: From Poor Cousin to Key Message for Social Change
Thi Bogossian and Yunah Park

11 Peruvian Development and Education Politics: The Impact of LUNDU’s Apúntate contra el racismo Campaign
Sonia Medel

PART 5: Beyond Eurocentric Knowledge

12 Charting New Horizons in Lifelong Education: Planet-Centred, Peaceful and Sustainable Paradigms in the Age of AI
Agnieszka Uflewska and Gameli Kodzo Tordzro

13 Socio-Cultural Perspectives of Teaching Women Home Management in Adult and Non-Formal Schools in Kano State: A Case Study
Zainab Sa’id Sa’ad

14 Women’s Education in Arab Countries: Jordan and Algeria
Sharifah Salmah Binti Abdullah

15 Adult Education in a Postcolonial World: Perspectives from the Global South
Preeti Dagar and Kainat Khurshid

All those interested in adult learning, social movement learning, critical inquiry, progressive activism and cultural studies. It deals with adult learning, identity and difference.
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