In the history of the twentieth century, Futurism marked the birth of the avant-garde and major artistic and literary changes. Although it first appeared in Italy and Russia, it developed in Poland between 1918 and 1924. The vast documentation and texts, most of them previously unpublished, that we have brought together in this volume constitute the most complete collection ever published on Polish Futurism. A rich critical apparatus and iconography from the 1920s complete the work.
Dans l'histoire du XXe siècle, le futurisme marque la naissance des avant-gardes et des grandes mutations artistiques et littéraires. S'il apparaît d'abord en Italie et en Russie, il se développe en Pologne entre 1918 et 1924. La vaste documentation et les textes, pour la plupart inédits que nous avons réunis dans ce volume constituent l'ensemble le plus complet jamais édité sur le futurisme polonais. Un riche appareil critique et une iconographie des années 1920 complètent l'ouvrage.
Franck Jedrzejewski is a mathematician and Doctor in Philosophy and Musicology. He has published some thirty books on mathematics, music theory and the literary avant-gardes. He has been vice-president of the International College of Philosophy and programme director. He teaches at the University of Paris-Saclay.
Malgorzata Perigot-Grygielewicz is a Doctor in Philosophy of Paris 8 University after studies in Classics, focusing on ancient Greek and Latin translation, at the University of Warsaw. Published a book about Grisek's philosophical garden and articles about contemporary art. Currently, she serves as a professor of philosophy at the European School of Image (EESI) located in Angoulême
The book is intended for researchers interested in the study of the European avant-gardes of the 1920s, and students of art schools and universities, who have a program of study in the arts and literature of the 20th century.