Movement of the Heart

Understanding Biblical Engagement for Transformation


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105).” An avid Bible-reader reflects, 'As the Lord leads, the lamp illuminates my path, step by step.” Such small step makes sense when connected to another inspirational moment, marked by her deeply moved heart. 'The movement of the heart' emerges as a recurring phenomenon in the in-depth interviews with dedicated Bible readers who share powerful narratives of their Bible-reading journey's ups and downs. By unraveling the psychological, spiritual, and cultural dimensions of this heart-moving experience, this book forges a fresh practical theology of Bible reading.

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Hee-Kyu Heidi Park, Ph.D., Ewha Womans University, is Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Counseling at that university. Her academic work focuses on historical and collective trauma and spirituality.
1 For the Bible Tells Us So
Engaging the Subjectivity of the Bible
 1 For the Bible Tells Us So
 2 The Context in Which We Engage the Bible
 3 How Pastoral Theologians Have Engaged the Bible
 4 Relating to the Scripture’s Subjectivity
 5 Overview of Methodology
 6 Defining Scripture and Relationality
 7 The Structure of This Book
2 Accessing the Subjectivity and Relationality of the Bible
Revised Phenomenology
 1 The Need for Pastoral Theological Reflection on Qualitative Research Methods
 2 The Epistemological Challenge of Qualitative Research
 3 A History of the Phenomenological Method
 4 The Need for Structured Reduction in Pastoral Theology
 5 Toward a Pastoral Theological Phenomenology: Revising the Bracket
 6 Research Design
3 The Transformative Narratives of Biblical Engagements
The Descriptive Task
 1 Interviewees’ Histories and Circumstances
 2 Preliminary Description of the Interviewees’ Relationships with the Bible
 3 Themes
 4 Change
 5 Testimony: the Self’s Give-and-Take regarding Power before the Sacred
 6 Spiritual Epistemology
 7 Pastoral Identity
 8 Summary
4 The Psychology of Transformation
The Interpretive Task
 1 The Movement of the Heart: a Dialogue with Heinz Kohut’s Self-Psychology and Relational-Cultural Theory
 2 Theoretical Background
 3 Kohut’s Understanding of Self-Formation and the Development of Narcissistic Injury
 4 Gradual Change: Spiritual Formation through Grandiosity Mirroring
 5 Changes in Perspectives: the Movement of Heart from an RCT Perspective
5 The Spirituality of the Movement of the Heart
Complexifying the Interpretation
 1 Psychology and Spirituality
 2 The Spiritual Complexity of T-Person
6 A Confucian Spirituality of the Movement of the Heart
Deepening the Interpretation
 1 Toward a Subaltern Confucian Spirituality
7 Constructing a Postcolonial Pastoral Theology of Biblical Engagement
The Normative Task
 1 The Puzzle of the Lamp to My Feet and Light to My Path
 2 The Need for Self-Reflection
 3 The Postcoloniality of Korean American Bible Reading
8 Pastoral Care and Counseling Strategies
The Pragmatic Task
 1 Learning Pertinent to Pastoral Care and Counseling
 2 The Pastoral Person
9 Pastoral Vision for Complex Spiritual Maturity
 1 Pastoral Vision of Future Memory
 2 Final Reflection
Colleges, academic libraries, seminaries, Biblical scholars, practical theologians, pastoral theologians, post-graduate students, pastors, pastoral care providers, Christian psychologists, psychotherapists
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