Orphic Voice(s): A Narratological Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses 10.1-11.84


The book offers an in-depth narratological analysis of the 'Book of Orpheus' (10.1-11.84) of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Starting from fundamental aspects of narrative like time, space, and focalisation, the commentary highlights the polyphony of the various narrative levels. The complex and challenging design results from a constant oscillation between the narrator-persona of Ovid and the programmatic Orpheus-figure which has found a wealth of interpretations. In addition, the study places the 10th book in the overall narrative framework of Ovid's Metamorphoses with its density of intertextuality and metanarrativity.

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Julian Wagner, Ph.D. (2023), University of Tübingen, is lecturer of Latin and Ancient Greek and member of the Working Group 'Narrative Dynamics in Latin Literature'. He has research interests in Augustan poetry, narratology, and postmodern literary studies.
Preface and Acknowledgements

 1 Why a Narratological Commentary?
 2 The Metamorphoses: An Epic ‘Mostly about Narrative’
 3 The Book of Orpheus: State of the Art
 4 Laying Bare the Orphic Voice(s)

How to Use This Commentary

Narratological Glossary

Narratological Commentary on Ovid, Metamorphoses Book10.1–11.84
 1 The Book of Orpheus
 2 Part1: Orpheus’ Love (10.1–63)
 3 Part2: Orpheus’ Grief (10.64–147)
 4 Part3: Orpheus’ Carmen (10.148–739)
 5 Part4: Orpheus’ Death (11.1–84)

Appendix A: Fabula of the Book of Orpheus
Appendix B: Narrative Structure of the Book of Orpheus
AppendixC: Catalogue of Trees
AppendixD: Literal Cross-References within Orpheus’ Carmen
Index Locorum
All that are interested in Ovid's Metamorphoses or the figure of Orpheus as well as scholars and students who are working on theoretical and, especially, narratological approaches to ancient texts.
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