Countering the Global

Anti-Global Religion, Global Dissent and Multiple Globalisms


Most great religious traditions are global in scope, but they are often used to promote nationalist and isolationist ideas. Why do politicians in Poland and Lithuania stress the strong bond between the Catholic Church and the national identities? And how are ethno-religious conflicts expressed in Norway? In this book, you will find new data and new insights, providing explanations for these and other questions. Fascinating case studies from Europe and China are the basis for analyses on how global interconnectedness sparks both unity and conflict within religious spheres, demonstrating the interplay of local and global influences as well as the dynamics of glocalization.

Contributors are: Milda Ališauskienė, Peter B. Andersen, Eileen Barker, Peter Beyer, Irena Borowik, Lisbet Christoffersen, Inger Furseth, Peter Gundelach, Annika Hvithamar, Massimo Introvigne, Hans Raun Iversen, Brian Arly Jacobsen, Niels Kærgaard, Pål Repstad, and Morten Warmind.

Brill publications by Margit Warburg

Book chapters & journal articles

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Brian Arly Jacobsen, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. His research is mainly in the area of religion and politics and religious minority groups in Denmark. His publications include the edited volume Holy Nations and Global Identities: Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Globalisation (with Margit Warburg and Annika Hvithamar; Brill, 2009) and Religion og grundlov (with Niels Valdemar Vinding and Mikele Schultz-Knudsen; Djøf Forlag, 2024).
Morten Warmind, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. His interests include pre-Christian north-European religious tradition, such as Nordic and Celtic religion and society, modern religious importance and the role of early Christianity. His recent publications include Religionssociologiske perspektiver på religion i Danmark (edited with Annika Hvithamar, Brian Arly Jacobsen, and Peter B. Andersen; Forlaget Univers, 2022).
Peter B. Andersen, Ph.D., dr.phil., Associate Professor, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His work concerns religion in modernity. In Europe, his research has mainly been survey-based; in India, it has been conducted through fieldwork and archive studies. His recent works include The Santal Rebellion 1855-1856: The Call of Thakur (Routledge, 2023).
Annika Hvithamar, Ph.D., is Head of Department at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. Her research is within the contemporary Russian Orthodox Church and global Christianity. Her work includes Holy Nations and Global Identities: Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Globalisation (edited with Margit Warburg and Brian Arly Jacobsen; Brill, 2009), Ruslands ikoner (Gyldendal, 2009), and Religionssociologiske perspektiver på religion i Danmark (edited with Brian Arly Jacobsen, Peter B. Andersen and Morten Warmind; Forlaget Univers, 2022).
Introduction: Countering the Global, Brian Arly Jacobsen, Annika Hvithamar, Morten Warmind & Peter B. Andersen

Margit Warburg, Peter B. Andersen, Morten Warmind & Brian Arly Jacobsen
Margit Warburg Bibliography

List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

Section I: Theoretical Approaches to the Field of Globalization and Anti-globalization
1. Modern Religion(s) in the Context of Globalisation: The Rise and Decline of Westphalian Religious Dominance, Peter Beyer
2. Citizens of the World? How Far Can Minority Religions Ever Be Truly Global?, Eileen Barker
3. Local and Cosmopolitan Orientations and Religiosity, Peter Gundelach

Section II: State Reactions to Global Religion
4. Religion as Indicator and Cause of Social Behaviour, Niels Kærgaard
5. Ethno-Religious Conflicts over Religion in Norway – Why They Are Only Moderately Strong, Pål Repstad
6. Religion and Nonreligion in Norwegian Migration Policy Documents, Inger Furseth
7. Religion, Globalism, and Dissent in Xi Jinping’s China, Massimo Introvigne

Section III: The National Churches’ Reaction to Globalization
8. Is Intertwinement (Still) a Solution When Global Secular Claims Meet Anti-global Religious Norms in National Legislation?, Lisbet Christoffersen
9. Four Types of Locative and Utopian Christianity Today, Hans Raun Iversen
10. When Global Becomes Local: The Process of (Non)Granting State Recognition to the Ancient Baltic Religion Organisation Romuva in 2017-2019, Milda Ališauskienė
11. The Role of Religion in Transformations of Identity in Poland. “Polish Catholicism” in Political Discourses, Irena Borowik
The book is aimed at graduate students and academics in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology. It offers theoretical and case-study chapters, useful for courses and insightful for journalists and opinion-makers on religion and society.
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