Reading Images from the Past

In Honour of Karl A.E. Enenkel


Reading Images from the Past is conceived as a Festschrift for Karl Enenkel. The contributors include art historians, literary scholars, and historians, and the topics cover a wide range of periods, countries, and cultural contexts. They explore the complex relation between word and image, consider the rhetorical and hermeneutic functions of various types of image-making, and examine theories and practices of knowledge production across various media. They also reflect on the multi-faceted uses of the past in early modern European culture within debates on art, antiquarian studies, book culture, literature, and historiography. Throughout the volume, special attention is paid to the interaction amongst visual and textual forms and materials.

Contributors: Barbara Baert, Susanna de Beer, Frans Blom, Wietse de Boer, Stijn Bussels, Arjan van Dijk, Jan van Dijkhuizen, Anna Dlabačová, Reindert Falkenburg, Christine Göttler, Harald Hendrix, Jan L. de Jong, Marc Laureys, Coen Maas, Walter S. Melion, Alicia C. Montoya, Colette Nativel, Konrad Ottenheym, Christian Peters, Christoph Pieper, Lukas Reddemann, Bernd Renner, David Rijser, Bernd Roling, Sophie van Romburgh, Robert Seidel, Paul J. Smith, John Thompson, Anita Traninger, Geert Warnar, Claus Zittel, and Cornel Zwierlein.

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Walter S. Melion is Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History at Emory University in Atlanta. His research focuses on early modern image theories and practices, the relation between aesthetics and theology, meditative image-making, emblematics, and on various aspects of Netherlandish art, with an emphasis on painters and printmakers in Haarlem.

Christoph Pieper is University Lecturer of Latin literature at Leiden University. His research focuses on Cicero and his reception, Roman oratory, Augustan poetry, and Latin literature of the Italian Quattrocento.

Paul J. Smith is Emeritus Professor of French Literature at Leiden University. His research focuses on sixteenth-, seventeenth - and twentieth-century French literature, its reception in the Netherlands, French and Dutch fable and emblem books, literary rhetoric and early modern zoology.

Anita Traninger is Full Professor of Romance Literatures at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Her research focuses on the shape of knowledge, predominantly in the early modern period, and specifically with a view to European literatures in a global context.
Walter S. Melion, Christoph Pieper, Paul J. Smith, Anita Traninger
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on the Editors
Notes on the Contributors

Arjan van Dijk

Part 1. Meditation, Prayer, and Spiritual Exercises

1. Karel van Mander on the Nativity as an Epitome of deucht, liefde, and const
Walter S. Melion

2. Vele schoone beelden die noyt ghesien en waren: New Pictorial and Meditative Layers in Thielman Kerver’s 1522 Dutch-language Book of Hours
Anna Dlabačová

3. Seeing is Believing: Word and Image in Jacopo Sannazaro’s De partu Virginis
David Rijser

4. ‘Contrition, Prayer, Repentance: What of Them?’ Ineffective Remorse in Marlowe and Shakespeare
Jan van Dijkhuizen

5. Visions of Joseph. Theatre Performance, Literature and the Art of Painting in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
Frans R.E. Blom

Part 2. Reading
Architecture and Material Heritage

6. The Writing on the Wall. Visiting the Sala degli Imperatori in Foligno with Francesco Da Fiano as Literary Guide
Susanna de Beer

7. The Painted Decoration of the Sala Regia in the Vatican Palace. Changing Circumstances, Different Themes, Shifting Appreciation
Jan L. de Jong

8. A Flemish Antiquarian in Baroque Rome: Justus Rycquius and his Monograph on the Ancient Roman Capitol
Marc Laureys

9. Jolly Readings of Equivocal Antique Material Heritage in Early Modern Rome and Naples
Harald Hendrix

10. How to Read a Fountain? Pietro Francavilla’s Sculpture in Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa
Stijn Bussels

11. The Renaissance of the Caliphs. Roman Columns and the Canon of Ancient Architecture in Early Modern Morocco
Konrad Ottenheym

Part 3. Teaching with Images and Emblems

12. How to Read an Image from the Past? Philipp Melanchthon’s School Commentary on Georgics 3.440–566
Coen Maas

13. Teaching in Emblems, Teaching with Emblems. Figurations of Learning in Neo-Latin Emblem Books
Christian Peters

14. The Labyrinth of Politics: The Evolution of Justus Reifenberg’s Emblemata politica (1620; 1632)
Lukas Reddemann

Part 4. Literary and Artistic Trajectories

15. Cicero avant les lettres. Descriptions of His Life in the Early Fourteenth Century (Giovanni Colonna’s De viris illustribus and the Anonymous Vita Trecensis)
Christoph Pieper

16. Facetiae and Satire: The Exemplary Case of Friedrich Dedekind’s Grobianus
Bernd Renner

17, Imitation and Emulation: Rubens and Junius
Colette Nativel

18. The Packaging and Consumption of Literary Exclusivity in Richard Tottel’s Songes and Sonettes
John J. Thompson

Part 5. Re-Reading Mythology

19. The Typographical Nymph: Io, Inscriptions, and Geoffroy Tory’s Champ fleury
Anita Traninger

20. Lectures on Love Stories in Der minnen loep. Dirc Potter, Ovid and Exemplary Narrative in Leiden, University Library, Ltk 205
Geert Warnar

21. Isis Suevorum: Johann Gottlob Böhme (1717–80) and an Egyptian Cult in Germania
Bernd Roling

22. Hercules against Hydra in the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg. On Method and Resilience
Barbara Baert

Part 6. Interpreting the Natural World

23. An Enigmatic Painting: A Young Woman Mourning over Three Dead Birds by Jacques de Gheyn II
Paul J. Smith

24. Roelant Savery’s Alpine Marvels of Nature – lusus naturae versus lusus artis
Reindert L. Falkenburg

25. Imagining Septentrional Etymology: A First Theorisation of the Role of Experience in Early Modern Philology on Words of the North European Past
Sophie van Romburgh

Part 7. Challenging Authority

26. Forging an Authority: Sacred Art and Idolatry in the Reception of Gregory the Great
Wietse de Boer

27. Wordplay and Swordplay. Camillo Agrippa’s Challenge of Philosophy from the Spirit of Fencing
Claus Zittel

28. Greek ur-pictures of Law, Legislation and Jurisdiction by Nikolaus Glockendon in Gregor Haloander’s Edition of Justinian’s Corpus Juris Civilis
Cornel Zwierlein

29. Saturn’s Mouth, the Antiquarian’s Eye, and the Draughtsman’s Hand: Curiosity in the Circle of Sebastian Faesch
Christine Göttler

30. Academic Poetics and Heroic Poetry in Königsberg. Balthasar Boy’s Dissertatio poetica de requisitis quibusdam epici carminis circa objectum ejus (1691)
Robert Seidel

31. ‘Une lumière qui écarte les nuages’: Bibliometric Perspectives on Lucretius’s Eighteenth-Century Modernity
Alicia C. Montoya

Bibliography of Karl A.E. Enenkel’s Works
Intersections vols. 1–100
Index nominum
This book is for anyone interested in art, antiquarianism, history, literature and cultural debates in early modern Europe. Kerwords: Renaissance, Neo-Latin Studies, word-image relations, Classical Reception, mythology, humanism, emblem studies, emblematics, book history, church history, art, architecture, natural history, literary studies, philology.
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