In an era where contemporary education often neglects the complexities of brokenness, evil, and sin, this volume offers a pioneering examination of these concepts through a theological lens. Roel Kuiper and Bram de Muynck curate contributions from distinguished scholars across pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, and theology to reintegrate notions of grace, forgiveness, and hope into educational discourse. Addressing manifestations of evil and suffering within educational settings, this interdisciplinary work provides educators with theoretical and practical frameworks to enhance human flourishing. By bridging historical and contemporary perspectives, this book seeks to enrich educational theory and practice with profound, holistic approaches to human formation.
Roel Kuiper studied History and Philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He was a Christian Philosophy professor at Erasmus University (1998-2014) and has authored many works on Social and Educational Philosophy. He leads the Center of Expertise on Education and Identity.
Bram de Muynck is professor of Education at the Theological University of Apeldoorn, at Driestar University, Gouda the Netherlands and at NLA University College, Oslo/Bergen, Norway. He published on a variety of pedagogical topics, with an emphasis on the relationship between theology and pedagogy and formative practices in education.
Notes on Contributors
Roel Kuiper & Bram de Muynck
Part 1: Theological Foundations
1 Not Available Separately: the Balancing Act of Taking Evil Seriously
Petruschka Schaafsma 2 Grace as an Educational Quality
Wolter Huttinga
Part 2: Anthropological Foundations
3 Neither Angels nor Demons: Implications of Comenius’ Anthropology to Character Education
Jan Hábl 4 The Educator as Gardener: about “Original,” “Fallen,” and “Cultivated” Nature
Hans van Crombrugge and Philippe Noens
Part 3: Theological Perspectives on Educational Practices
5 Longing for Salvation: on Living Christian Practices in a Broken World
Hans Schaeffer 6 Living Out the Possibility of Renewal: Forgiveness in Educational Practice
Bram de Muynck 7 Liberating Perspectives: Practices of Hope in Education
Roel Kuiper
Part 4: Educational Practices at School
8 Evil, Sin and Brokenness at the Christian School
Tirza van Laar-Jochemsen 9 What Do We Do? The Case of Human Flourishing
Petronelle Baarda 10 Co-Creation: Overcoming Brokenness in Curriculum and School Design
Mark Halvorson
Researchers in the connection of religion and education, scholars in religious education, policy makers in education, students in master and PhD programs.