Oliver Kahl’s book offers a revised Arabic edition and annotated English translation of a politico-ethical treatise or ‘mirror for princes’ from late 12th century CE Cairo. The Arabic text, a masterpiece of classical rhymed prose, interspersed with wisdom sayings and poetry, was written, presumably by ʿAlī ibn Ẓāfir al-Azdī (d. 613/1216), for the Ayyubid ruler of Egypt, al-Malik al-ʿAzīz (d. 595/1198), Saladin’s second son. Being primarily an exponent of adab literature, the treatise is largely free of theoretical expositions, transmitting its message in the form of diverse and highly entertaining parabolic stories. Edition and translation are framed by a detailed introduction and extensive bilingual glossaries which testify to the lexical registry of classical Arabic prose.
Oliver Kahl, Ph.D. (1993), Manchester University, was Research Fellow in the universities of Manchester/England and, then, Marburg/Germany. He has published widely on the history of Arabic science, especially medicine and pharmacy, but also covering other branches of the field.
Arabists, scholars of Islamic political and ethical thought, social historians, and all those interested in medieval concepts of statecraft.