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' ...highly interpretative history...reflects the author's immense erudition in the field and her personal predilection for the religious and mystical aspects of Islamic civilization.'
Yohanan Friedmann, Asian and African Studies, 1985.
' It possesses all the qualities of a good handbook and as such it must be judged. It is concise and compendious and yet clear and lucid.'
Jan Marek, Archív Orientální, 1985.
' ...a worthy summary of Islam in the Indian subcontinent.'
This book is a welcome summary of, and addition to, the literature on Islam in India.'
Frank Whaling, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 1982.
' ...will have a great appeal to all those interested in the history of Islam in India and is ideally suited to the needs of university students of the subject.'
D.J. Matthews, Bulletin of the SOAS, 1982.
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