This critical edition of Albert of Saxony's
25 Questions on Logic is a set of
Quaestiones Disputatae which treats issues of the
Parva Logicalia such as: the nature of logic; the imposition, distribution, signification, and supposition of designating and non-designating terms; the truth and falsity, conversion, contradictoriness, and kinds of propositions; and problems involving the scope of negations.
The inclusion of several appendices of previously untranscribed and unedited material by Albert of Saxony, Ralph Strode, and John Buridan; together with Notes and an Index of concepts and an Albert Concordance keyed to paragraph numbers, make the book a most useful source of primary material for students and scholars.
Michael J. Fitzgerald Ph.D. (1982) in Philosophy, Rutgers University, is an Independent Scholar residing in Southern Mississippi.
Acknowledgements .. ix
Albert, Buridan, and Maulfelt .. 1
The Chronological and Relative Order of Albert’s Major Logical Works .. 32
Descriptions of the Known Manuscripts of the Quaestiones Circa Logicam .. 41
Authenticity of the Quaestiones Circa Logicam .. 46
Editorial Principles and Stemma Codicum .. 47
Sigla Manuscriptorum et Abbreviationes .. 51
Tabula Istarum Quaestionum .. 52
Quaestiones Circa Logicam Alberti De Saxonia
Appendix I: Radulphus Strode, De Suppositione Materiali .. 333
Appendix II: Albertus de Saxonia, Quaestiones subtilissime
super libros Posteriorum analyticorum Aristotelis, Venice, 1497,
Liber Primus .. 339
Appendix III: Albertus de Saxonia, Sophismata, Sophisma viii: Paris 1502, Cuiuslibet hominis asinus currit .. 362
Appendix IV: Quinta Quaestio De Interpretatione Iohanni Buridani, Tort. Cath. Lat. MS. 108 .. 365
Appendix V: Albertus de Saxonia, Quaestiones super logicam Porphyrii, Prima Quaestio, Quaeritur utrum logica est speculativa vel practica, Tort. Cath. Lat. MS. 108 .. 369
Appendix VI: Quaestiones Alberti de Saxonia super libros Posteriorum Analyticorum Aristotelis, Tortosa Cath. 108 .. 371
Concordantia Alberti .. 389
Index Conceptuum .. 395
Bibliography ..
All those interested in medieval contributions to Epistemology, Philosophy of Language and Logic, institutes, academic libraries, specialists and advanced students.