The study is dedicated to Bonagratia of Bergamo, a Franciscan layman of the 14th century, who played an important part in his Order's controversy with the Spirituals and in the debate of the poverty of Christ. Together with his general minister Michael of Cesena, William of Ockham and Francis of Ascoli, Bonagratia came into conflict with Pope John XXII and wrote many polemical texts and his famous
appellationes. A detailed study of these writings elaborates Bonagratias intellectual merits as a legal expert and as the procurator of the Franciscan Order. Wittneben demonstrates that the legal competence and active experience of this lawyer had a profound influence on the poverty debate.
Eva L. Wittneben, Ph.D. (2001), University of Heidelberg, is teacher of History and Classical Philology at Stuttgart.
...a fine example of philological method…an important book...'.
Thomas F. Mayer,
Renaissance Quarterly.
...excellent and accessible scholarship...Not only has Wittneben supplied us with a convincing portrait of a great jurist at work; she has also let historians know that Bonagratia of Bergamo contributed significantly to the political thought of the fourteenth century.'
David Flood,
Franciscan Studies, 2004.
I. Bonagratia in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Spiritualen
II. Bonagratia im theoretischen Armutsstreit
III. Die Ausgleichsbemühungen von Seiten der Minoriten
IV. Der Bruch mit dem Papst
V. Bonagratia als Verfasser der Minoritischen Appellationen
VI. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
English Summary
Übersicht über die Schriften Bonagratias
Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis
Index Personarum
Index Locorum
Index Rerum
Historical and theological Institutes of universities, students, academic libraries, specialists and institutes of the history of rights, specialists of the Franciscan Order (OFM), Franciscan Institutes.