Between Saint James and Erasmus: Studies in Late-Medieval Religious Life – Devotion and Pilgrimage in the Netherlands


This volume is divided into four sections: late medieval devotion in the Netherlands; medieval Christian pilgrimage; the medieval cult of St. James the Great and Erasmiana. Variety and coherence sound the keynote in the title and the contents of the book. Religious concepts and expressions of religious faith such as pilgrimages and indulgences are representative of late-medieval Christianity. In this book they refer specifically to the medieval cult of St. James the Great, while for Erasmus they were an object of his critical consideration. The whole book can be read in the light of the debate about the tension between an appreciation for outward signs of faith, and the inward experience of religious belief, which Erasmus considered an absolute necessity.

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Jan van Herwaarden, Ph.D. (1978) in History, University of Groningen, is Professor in the History of Medieval and Renaissance Culture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has published extensively on medieval christian pilgrimage (especially Santiago de Compostela), late-medieval devotion and Erasmus.
' ...unlike many collections of essays even by one author, the chapters evince a refreshing coherence. One frequently has the impression that one is reading a monograph...Van Herwaarden's scrutiny of primary sources established his authority in late medieval devotion. The complex picture of this devotion that emerges from his scholarship fashions a rich context for the religious culture that encompassed Erasmus when he set out on his earhly pilgrimage.'
Hilmar M. Pabel, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society, Yearbook Twenty-Five, 2005.
' This deeply learned and rewarding collection of nineteen reworked articles will be of great interest to specialists and graduate students working in the field of late medieval devotion. The geographical focus is obviously the Netherlands, but broader European contexts are discussed expertly and with much insight troughout.'
Craig Harline, Renaissance Quarterly.
Bibliographical Note
List of Abbreviations
List of Illustrations

1. Geert Groote’s Tract on Meditation: De quattuor generibus meditabilium
2. Religion and Society: The Cult of the Eucharist and the Devotion to Christ’s Passion
3. Late-Medieval Religion and Expression of Faith: Pilgrimages to Jerusalem and the Cult of the Passion and the Way of the Cross
Appendix: The Via Crucis and the Via Captivitatis according to Christiaan van Adrichem
4. Medieval Indulgences and Devotional Life in the Netherlands

5. Medieval Pilgrimages
Appendix: Medieval Places of Pilgrimage in the Northern Netherlands
6. Pilgrimages to Rome from the North
7. Did Christian Pilgrimages Affect Social Status?
8. Pilgrimages and Social Prestige: Some Reflections on a Theme

9. The Origins of the Cult of St James of Compostela
10. The Integrity of the Text of the Liber Sancti Jacobi in the Codex Calixtinus
11. Obligatory Pilgrimages and the Cult of Santiago de Compostela in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages
12. The Apostle James the Great in Middle-Dutch Literature
13. The Spanish Cult of St James and Islam: Legends as History
Appendix: The emperor Charles V as James Matamoros

14. Erasmus of Rotterdam: the Image and the Reality
15. Erasmus and his Ad Fontes
16. Erasmus in the World: Appearance and Reality
Appendix: Erasmus on Cain
17. A Debate (1688–1690) about Erasmus: Protagonist of Religious Unity or Forerunner of Jansenism?
18. Burckhardt and Erasmus: a Misunderstanding
19. Erasmus’s Doctorate in Turin, Free Thought and Rotterdam: 1506–1876
Appendix: Latin text and English Translation of Erasmus’s Diploma as Doctor of Theology

Selected bibliography of Jan van Herwaarden
Index of Names
Index of Places
Index of Subjects
All those interested in medieval history, the history of the church, the history of humanism and the Renaissance (especially Erasmus), the history of devotions (especially pilgrimages).
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