Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac

Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology


This volume contains an edition, together with a translation and a commentary, of those parts relating to Aristotle's Meteorologica in Barhebraeus' Butyrum sapientiae (Cream of Wisdom), the major philosophical work of the thirteenth-century Syriac prelate and polymath.
Butyrum sapientiae, though based mainly on Ibn Sīnā's Kitāb al-šifāʾ (Book of Healing), draws on a number of other sources. The detailed analysis of the text provided in this volume casts some important light on the manner in which Greek science and philosophy were transmitted in the Orient and as such will be of interest to scholars both of the Classical and Islamic world. The philological analysis of the text will be of interest to scholars of Syriac language and culture.

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Hidemi Takahashi, Dr. phil. (2002), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University, Tokyo.
The work is an important document in intellectual history in general and in the history of Syriac language and culture in particular. The author has made a great effort to revive Syriac as a scientific language, and create a new type of philosophical-scientific writing in Syriac by translating and transferring the contents of the best philosophical-scientific literature available in his line from Arabic into Syriac. Muhammad Khalifa Hasan Ahmad in Islamic Studies 45.4
All those interested in intellectual history, classical philologists, scholars of Islamic philosophy, Syriacists.
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