Tractat de prenostication de la vida natural dels hòmens, a late fifteenth-century Catalan incunable, draws on a rich tradition of astrological magic, geomancy, Pythagorean numerology, and Hebrew
gematria. This practical manual offers a method of determining the birth sign based on calculations performed on the subject’s name and his or her mother’s name. The critical edition includes a literary, historical, and linguistic study; an English translation; and a Catalan-English glossary. The
Tractat reveals Catalan sources for prognostication, a unique expression of medieval syncretism, the mingling of traditions, and the development of new ideas. It is a rare find for Hispanists and others interested in astrology, magic, the history of science, and early print culture.
John Scott Lucas, Ph.D. (2000) in Spanish, Penn State University, is Associate Professor and Program Director of the Institute for Social and International Studies (ISIS) at Portland State University. He currently directs international programs in Barcelona, Spain. His research encompasses medieval Spanish and Catalan literature, historical linguistics, and early print culture.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Foreword by David J. Viera
I. Prognostication at the Dawn of the Renaissance
A. Changing World Views
B. The Catalan Context
C. Catalan Material in Relationship to Other European Traditions
II. Genres of Prognostic Material in the Catalan Language
A. Astrology and Astrological Magic
B. Geomancy
C. Numerology and Astro-numerology
D. Gematria
III. The Present Edition
A. Known Editions of the Tractat
B. Physical Description of “B”
C. Contents, Divisions and Sources
D. Linguistic Features and Orthography
E. Provenance
F. The Tractat in the Catalan Printing Tradition
G. The Present Edition
IV. Tracat de la vida natural dels homens segons los signes, planetas celestials, e proprietats lurs demonstren with Apparatus criticus
V. English translation
Appendix A. Paleographic Transcription
Appendix B. Facsimile Reproduction.
Glossary Catalan – English
Hispanists, Catalan scholars, medievalists, and others interested in the history of science, astrology, numerology, magic, and early print culture.