Pan-European Perspectives on Party Politics

Authors: and
In this book, an international team of specialists reflects, more than a dozen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, on the implications of that momentous conjuncture for the study of party politics in Europe. In particular, the authors and editors seek to address two inter-connected questions: To what extent is there evidence of convergence in patterns of party politics across Eastern and Western Europe? And how far has the theory of parties and party systems coped with the emergence of democratic politics in Eastern Europe? In a wideranging and stimulating set of essays, these issues are confronted in respect of themes such as the impact of institutional contexts like electoral systems and presidentialism, the evolving nature of cleavage structures, party organizational developments, and intra-party factionalism. This book will make a significant addition to any course reading list on comparative and party politics.

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Paul Webb, Ph.D. (1991), Florence, is Professor of Politics at the University of Sussex. He is a co-editor of the journal Party Politics, and has published widely on party and electoral politics, including The Modern British Party System (Sage, 2000) and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies (Oxford, 2002).
Paul Lewis is currently Reader in Central and East European Politics at the Open University. He has written extensively on aspects of democratisation and party development in central and eastern Europe. His most recent publications are Political Parties in Post-Communist Eastern Europe (2000) and Party Development and Democratic Change in Post-Communist Europe - the First Decade (2001).
Students and scholars of party politics, electoral behaviour and processes, comparative and European politics. This is fairly advanced level material, so it is most appropriate to academic libraries, specialists and final year undergraduate or postgraduate students.
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