Paracelsus und seine internationale Rezeption in der frühen Neuzeit

Beiträge zur Geschichte des Paracelsismus


This edited volume addresses important aspects of Paracelsian concepts within the context of contemporary science and literature, emphasizing the international dissemination and propagation of Paracelsian ideas during the 16th and 17th centuries. Its contributions analyse different aspects of Paracelsus's work and influence: for instance, his ideas on magic, medicine, and mantic art; his relation to the Jewish tradition, and the controversies caused by Paracelsian authors. Special attention is given to the impact of Paracelsus on the Rosicrucian movement.
This volume will be of interst to historians of medicine, literature, and culture in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Contributors include: Stephen Bamforth, Udo Benzenhöfer, Lucien Braun, Roland Edighoffer, Frank Hieronymus, Didier Kahn, Joseph Levi, Cunhild Pörksen, Heinz Schott, Joachim Telle, and Ilana Zinguer.

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Heinz Schott, M.D., Ph.D. is Professor of History of Medicine at Bonn University. He has published extensively on the history of mesmerism and psychoanalysis, and recently on Paracelsus.

Illana Zinguer is Professor of French Literature at Haifa University in Israel. She has published extensively on Renaissance topics such as narrative, languages, hermeticism, alchemy, medicine. Her recent publications include Le roman stéganamorphique, Le Voyage des Princes Fortunés (Champion, 1994).
Introduction Heinz Schott, Ilana Zinguer
Paracelsus und der Augenschein - Notizen zum ärtzlichen Blick, Cunhild Pörksen
L'idée de 'matrix' chez Paracelsus - Lucien Braun
Magie-Glaube-Aberglaube: zur 'Philosophia magna' des Paracelsus- Heinz Schott
Paracelsus-Druck in Basel - Frank Hieronymus
Bartholomaeus Carrichter - ein früher Paracelsist? - Joachim Telle
Bemerkungen zur Auseinandersetzung des Paracelsus mit dem Judentum- Udo Benzenhöfer, Karin Finsterbusch
Paracelsians versus Antiparacelsians: German doctors against Jewish Physicians in Frankfurt a.M. 1618-1645 - Joseph Levi
La querelle Aubert-Duchesne - Ilana Zinguer
Enjeux et dénouement du procès de Roch le Baillif: un échec de la Faculté de médecine de Paris - Didier Kahn
Paracelsisme et médicine clinique à la cour de Louis XIII - Stephen Bamforth
L'énigme paracelsienne dans les Noces chymiques de Christian Rosenkreuz - Roland Edighoffer
All those interested in the history of paracelsism, the history of medicine, literature, and philosophy of early modern times, as well as scholars of German and Roman languages.
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