This volume, the first of a two-volume set, is the work of fourteen European and American scholars and focuses on the wider aspects of the Hundred Years. These essays range far afield from the traditional heartlands of Hundred Years War studies to investigate the influence of the conflict on Italy, the Low Countries, and Spain and on such topics as urban history, and the actualities of weapon use on the battlefield. A number of the essays in this collection seek to re-examine old but thorny questions long associated with the conflict, including the real immediate impact of gunpowder technology on siege warfare during the fourteenth century and the “purposeful” strategy of Henry V in staging and bringing about the battle of Agincourt in 1415.
With contributions by L.J. Andrew Villalon, María Teresa Ferrer i Mallol, Donald J. Kagay, Clara Estow, William P. Caferro, Sergio Boffa, Peter Michael Konieczny, Paul Solon, Manuel Sánchez Martínez, James E. Gilbert, Jane Marie Pinzino, Clifford J. Rogers, Kelly DeVries, and John Clement.
Winner of the 2014 Verbruggen Prize of De Re Militari (the Society for the Study of Medieval Military History) given annually for the best book on medieval military history.
L.J. Andrew Villalon, Ph.D. (1984) Yale University, is Professor at the University of Texas. He specializes in late medieval and early modern European history, and has published extensively on such diverse subjects as Pedro “the Cruel”, Don Carlos, San Diego de Alcala, and Machievelli.
Donald J. Kagay, Ph.D. (1981) Fordham University, is currently a Full Professor at Albany State University. As a specialist on medieval Spain focusing on the law and institutions of the Crown of Aragon, Kagay has published translations of two important eastern Spanish legal texts: the Usatges of Barcelona (1981) and the Commerationes of Pere Albert (2002).
List of Illustrations ix
List of Maps xi
List of Contributors xiii
Acknowledgments xix
Abbreviations xxi
Introduction xxx
Spanish Involvement in the Hundred Years War and the Battle of Nájera 3
L.J. Andrew Villalon
The Southern Valencian Frontier during the War of the Two Pedros 73
María Teresa Ferrer i Mallol
A Government Besieged by Conflict: The Parliament of Monzón (1362–1363) as Military Financier 115
Donald J. Kagay
War and Peace in Medieval Iberia: Castilian-Granadan Relations in the Mid-Fourteenth Century 149
Clara Estow
‘The Fox and the Lion’: The White Company and the Hundred Years War in Italy 177
William P. Caferro
The Duchy of Brabant Caught Between France and England: Geopolitics and Diplomacy during the First Half of the Hundred Years War 209
Sergio Boffa
London’s War Effort during the Early Years of the Reign of Edward III 243
Peter M. Konieczny
Tholosanna Fides: Toulouse as a Military Actor in Late Medieval France 263
Paul Solon
The Invocation of Princeps namque in 1368 and its Repercussions for the City of Barcelona 297
Manuel Sánchez Martínez
A Medieval ‘Rosie the Riveter’?: Women in France and Southern England during the Hundred Years War 335
James E. Gilbert
Just War, Joan of Arc, and the Politics of Salvation 367
Jane Marie Pinzino
Henry V’s Military Strategy in 1415 401
Clifford J. Rogers
‘The Walls Come Tumbling Down’: The Campaigns of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, and the Myth of Fortification Vulnerability to Early Gunpowder Weapons 431
Kelly DeVries
Wielding the Weapons of War: Arms, Armor, and Training Manuals During the Later Middle Ages 449
John Clement
Appendix One: Genealogies 479
France, Burgundy, and Naples
The Succession in 1328
The Houses of Lancaster and Beaufort Popes 479
European Rulers and Nobility 480
Kings of England 480
Kings of France 480
French Noble Houses 481
Low Countries 481
Holy Roman Emperors 483
German Noble Houses 483
Spanish Rulers 484
Crown of Aragon 484
Castile 484
Navarre 485
Muslim Rulers 485
Nasrid Dynasty of Granada 485
Ottoman Turks 486
Byzantium 486