The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law.
All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law.
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Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of International Law.
General Table of Contents/Table Générale des Matières: Theory and Practice of Adjudicatory Authority in Private International Law: A Comparative Study of the Doctrine, Policies and Practices of Common – and Civil-Law Systems.
General Course on Private International Law (1966) by A.T. Von Mehren, Professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.