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An International Journal
As of 2021, Brill Open Law is no longer published by Brill. Brill Open Law (BOL) is a principal outlet for scholarly articles in international law studies. BOL is a peer-reviewed full open access journal and provides a unique platform for academic debates and critical analysis. The journal offers a meeting space for scholars across international law, including: human rights and humanitarian law, private international law and public international law.

This is a fully Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content, in exchange for an Article Publication Charge (APC). For more information, see Brill Open.
Open Access
Journal of Chinese Humanities, a Diamond Open Access journal, is an English-language extension of Literature, History and Philosophy (Wen Shi Zhe 《文史哲》), a famous Chinese journal published by Shandong University. The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature. It covers both traditional and modern areas of re-search. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals that treat on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. Thus each issue will be composed primarily of articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions, while at the same time including a small number of articles from foreign authors so as to provide opposing perspectives. This way, top scholars in China can be read in the Western world, and our Western readers will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material and research coming out of China.

Every issue will be theme-based, focusing on an issue of common interest to the academic community both within and outside China. The majority of articles will relate directly to the central theme, but each issue will also accept a limited number of articles not directly related to the current theme.

Peer Review Process
Journal of Chinese Humanities uses a double-anonymous external peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s).

Ethics Statement
The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s Ethics Statement.

Open Access Fee
As this is a Diamond Open Access journal, there is no Article Publication Charge for authors. Author(s) keep full copyright and give Brill permission to publish by signing a special Brill Open Consent to Publish. For more information go to Brill Open.

All articles are published under a CC-BY Open Access license. For more information go to Brill Open or contact:
Open Access
This journal has ceased publication.
Open Access
Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia
As of 1 January 2020 Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia has ceased to be a co-publication of BRILL and the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, and will be exclusively puiblished by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia. For more information, please click here.
Open Access
Lithuanian Historical Studies (LHS) is an academic peer-reviewed English-language periodical journal, published annually by the Lithuanian Institute of History. Its aim is to progress and disseminate historical research on Central and Eastern Europe, with special focus on Lithuania and the neighbouring states.
Even though most of the published studies cover political, social, religious, economic and cultural topics, yet the journal welcomes submission of innovative and multidisciplinary research. Besides the scientific articles, the LHS also publishes new or little-known source material, book reviews and notices, abstracts of the defended dissertations in history in Lithuania, and other relevant material.
All submissions undergo a rigorous peer review process, based on double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two specialist referees. The accepted articles that were submitted in Lithuanian are translated into English at the journal’s expense.
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مجلّة اللغويّات التطبيقيّة
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
Applied Linguistics Journal (ALJ) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal published by Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities in collaboration with Brill. The journal specializes in applied linguistics, i.e., the contemporary employment of language extending to various academic disciplines. It describes and investigates everyday problems related to languages and proposes solutions to overcome them in the service of humanity. ALJ welcomes contributions from various disciplines, including education, psychology, humanities, sociology, computer sciences, and communication. The journal covers language development, adaptation, and employment, as well as the development of educational curricula and tools, and the academic developments related to language policies. ALJ publishes on computing linguistics, language construction, digital libraries, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Applied Linguistics Journal publishes research in both Arabic and English. The journal only publishes original content that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
مجلّة اللغويات التطبيقية هي مجلّة علميّة محكّمة تصدر عن جامعة محمّد بن زايد للعلوم الإنسانيّة بالتعاون مع دار النشر العالميّة بريل. تختصّ المجلّة باللغويّات التطبيقيّة أي الدراسات الحديثة التي تهتمّ بتوظيف اللغة توظيفًا معاصرًا مع روافد اختصاصات أكاديميّة متعدّدة. فتقوم بتوصيف المشاكل اليوميّة المتّصلة باللغات والتحقيق فيها واقتراح الحلول لتخطّيها خدمة للبشريّة. تستقطب المجلة البحوث من حقول معرفيّة شتّى، منها الربية وعلم النفس وعلم الأنسنة وعلم الاجتماع والكومبيوتر والاتّصالات. تغطي المجلة أيضا تطوّر اللغة وتكييفها وتوظيفها، وتطوير مناهج التعليم وأدواته وتشكّل مرجعًا قيّمًا للسياسات اللغويّة. وتنشر المجلّة في مجال مشاريع حوسبة اللغات والصناعة اللغويّة والمكتبات الرقميّة والذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلّم الآلي.
تنشر مجلّة اللغويات التطبيقية الأبحاثَ باللغتين العربيّة والإنكليزيّة. وتشترط في الأعمال الواردة إليها ألّا تكون قد نُشرت سابقًا أو قُدِّمت للنشر في مطبوعات أخرى.
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2023 Impact Factor: 0,9

APSE publishes papers examining on-going educational issues associated with science learning and teaching in the Asia-Pacific region as well as research involving Asian students and teacher populations in other areas of the world. APSE seeks to provide researchers in the Asia-Pacific region with a central channel for disseminating research in local contexts about issues in science education to both science educators in the geographical region and researchers in the extended international community. APSE is unique in that the journal focuses on the publication of scholarly articles examining issues related to science teaching and learning in Asia as well as articles that address the issues facing science teachers and science learners who are members of the Asian Diaspora. As a result, the scholarly works published in APSE encompass diverse topics of interest that are significant for a wide readership.

APSE’s scope is broad in both methodology and content. The journal accepts research conducted at all levels, including early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, workplace, and informal learning, as they relate to science education. The journal invites scholarly manuscripts employing various methodological approaches, including qualitative as well as quantitative research designs and mixed-methods studies. APSE publishes original articles examining on-going educational problems associated with science learning and teaching and publishes critical reviews of literature on emerging issues in the field of science education.

A central goal for APSE is to help support future generations of science education scholars in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to supporting early career scholars, the journal also offers a home for established researchers who wish to continue building strong foundations for science education research by publishing articles appreciated by both regional and international audiences. APSE offers all generations of researchers a collective space for sharing work that contextualizes some of the unique issues faced by science educators, researchers, teachers, and students in the Asia-Pacific region. Specifically, APSE encourages authors to provide more detail about the context in which their studies were conducted, and it asks that authors discuss how their findings are salient in these local contexts, as well as in regional (Asia) and international contexts. It also wants to encourage researchers outside of Asia who are exploring issues faced by members of the Asian Diaspora to share their work in APSE. In doing so, APSE seeks to offer readers a more contextualized understanding of the ways in which Asian teachers, students, and families living in communities outside of the Asia-Pacific experience science teaching and learning.

In order to ensure the research integrity of our publications, and by doing so to ensure that we achieve our aim of providing scholars with superior service, Brill works closely with authors and editors to promote adherence to the core principles of publication ethics as articulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please visit Brill's Publication Ethics & COPE Compliance page for more information.

Society affiliation
APSE is sponsored by The Korean Association for Science Education (KASE). KASE was founded in 1976 and currently has more than 3,500 members. KASE aims to contribute to the advancement of science education through research and development. To support these goals, KASE sponsors two science education conferences a year and two different journals to help disseminate research findings to researchers, teacher educators, and teachers – both domestically and internationally.
Open Access
أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
Athīrat: Journal of Ancient Arabia is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Hassan bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies (HBMHC) in collaboration with Brill. The Journal is dedicated to the field of the study of Ancient Arabia covering all of its subdisciplines and approaches (in terms of theories, methodologies, approaches, and findings). Athīrat welcomes a wide range of historical, archaeological, epigraphic, rock art, linguistic, textual, philological, social, cultural, economic and intellectual approaches. The Journal prioritizes the publication of the most recent epigraphic and rock art discoveries in Arabia. Athīrat also encourages interdisciplinary studies that synthesize the aforementioned approaches. The Journal’s chronological remit extends from pre-historic times to the early Islamic period (seventh century CE), and covers the Arabian Peninsula geographically defined, from Yemen and Oman in the south to the Syrian desert in the north, and occasionally adjacent areas.

أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة مجلة محكمة تصدر بالتعاون بين مركز حسن بن محمد للدراسات التاريخية وبريل. المجلة مخصصة لتطوير الأبحاث في الدراسات العربية القديمة، والتي تشمل مجموعة واسعة من التخصصات مثل التاريخ وعلم الآثار والنقوش واللغويات والفن الصخري وفن العمارة وغيرها. وباعتبارها مطبوعة ومُحَكّمة من قبل النظراء، تسعى أثيرت إلى عرض أحدث التطورات في هذا المجال، بما في ذلك النظريات والمنهجيات والنتائج. يتم التركيز بشكل خاص على الفن الصخري والاكتشافات الكتابية في شبه الجزيرة العربية. تشجع المجلة الدراسات متعددة التخصصات لتعزيز الفهم الشامل لتاريخ المنطقة وثقافتها ومجتمعها. من الناحية التاريخية، تُغطي أثيرت الفترة حتى بداية الإسلام، وتغطي شبه الجزيرة العربية بأكملها والمناطق المحيطة بها مباشرة. أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة هي مجلّةٌ تنشر جميع المقالات وفق رخصة الإتاحة المفتوحة غير المقيّدة برعاية مركز حسن بن محمد للدراسات التاريخية في الدوحة، قطر.

Open Access
Editors-in-Chief: and
Associate Editors: , , and
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.

Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts.

Bamboo and Silk is primarily based on Jian Bo 簡帛, a Chinese journal that was initially published in 2006 by Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House Co., Ltd., with some articles chosen from Jian Bo 簡帛 and translated into English. The journal accepts submissions in English as well.

Bamboo and Silk is indexed by Web of Science.
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2023 Impact Factor: 0,3
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,6

BKI - the Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia - is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal on Southeast Asia. The journal has a strong focus on Indonesia, but welcomes articles from around the region and from a range of disciplines. These include anthropology, history, political science, law, sociology, social geography, development studies, urban studies, literature, socio-linguistics, and economics.

Articles published in BKI reach out to a broader audience than the one defined by a specific discipline, and highlight the socio-political relevance of the object of study.

BKI engages with topical debates in its book reviews, book debates and review essays. We also provide summaries of recently-published Dutch and Indonesian-language books.

Established in 1853, BKI has been in publication for over 170 years. This long history has given us a strong commitment to the values of open science and decolonizing knowledge. We live bythese values through publishing articles from a diversity of authors, especially from the Global South, and through publishing Open Access, which is made possible thanks to a generous subvention from the learned society Vereniging KITLV (NL).

The Article Processing Charge (APC) is waived, and all articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.

Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia is indexed by Web of Science.
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