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Forced baptisms of Jews and Muslims had profound effects across Spanish society, leading famous intellectuals as well as ordinary men and women to rethink their sense of belonging to the Christian community and their forms of religiosity. Thus, in this book, early modern Iberia emerges as a laboratory of European-wide transformations.
Forced baptisms of Jews and Muslims had profound effects across Spanish society, leading famous intellectuals as well as ordinary men and women to rethink their sense of belonging to the Christian community and their forms of religiosity. Thus, in this book, early modern Iberia emerges as a laboratory of European-wide transformations.
This work analyses the emergence of the notion of adab, some major foundational works from the mid-19th century onwards, and the formation of major genres based on the cross-fertilisation of the iconic classical models and Western literature. It also deals with the function assigned to literature in understanding the meaning of life. The volume particularly emphasizes the commitment of literature to the identification of the main obstacles to the modernization of social, political and cultural structures, democracy, and the individual/collective relationship. It highlights certain major struggles: for independence, otherness, universalism and creativity. This work has a holistic approach to Arab culture, without favouring a country or, as is usual, the religious criterion, namely Islam.
This work analyses the emergence of the notion of adab, some major foundational works from the mid-19th century onwards, and the formation of major genres based on the cross-fertilisation of the iconic classical models and Western literature. It also deals with the function assigned to literature in understanding the meaning of life. The volume particularly emphasizes the commitment of literature to the identification of the main obstacles to the modernization of social, political and cultural structures, democracy, and the individual/collective relationship. It highlights certain major struggles: for independence, otherness, universalism and creativity. This work has a holistic approach to Arab culture, without favouring a country or, as is usual, the religious criterion, namely Islam.
إن الفكاهة عمليَّةٌ متعلقةٌ بالسرور والبهجة واكتشافهما وتذوقهما وإبداعهما. ويذهب الفلاسفة والأطباء اليونانيين إلى أن توازن السوائل في جسم الإنسان؛ يتحكم في الصحة والعواطف البشريَّة، ومنها الضحك. ولكن هل العرب أو المسلمون يضحكون؟ نُقدم للقارئ العربيّ الترجمة العربيَّة لكتاب فرانز روزنثال الموسوم بـ "الفكاهة في الإسلام المُبكر". تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تبديد الرأي، الذي يتبناه الكثير من الناس في العالم الغربيّ، أن "الإسلام" يكره الفُكَاهَة. يحتوي هذا الكتاب على قصصٍ عربيَّةٍ عن شخصيَّةٍ أصبحت موضوعًا للعديد من الفُكاهات والحكايات، وهي شخصيَّة أشعب الطماع، وهو مغنٍ عاش في القرن الثاني الهجري/الثامن الميلاديّ. ولكن حياته الأدبيَّة والخياليَّة ظلت موجودةً لفترةٍ طويلةٍ. وتسبق هذه الحكايات فصولٌ بحثيَّةٍ عن المواد النصيَّة الخاصة بالفكاهة في الإسلام، وأيضًا، عن الشخصيات التأريخيَّة والأسطوريَّة لأشعب. وينتهي الكتاب بملحقٍ قصيرٍ عن الضحك. وسواءً أكانت الفكاهات ستجعل القارئ المعاصر يضحك أم لا؛ فإن هذا الكتاب يُعد مصدرًا قيّمًا لأولئك المهتمين، جديًّا، بثقافة الفكاهة في الإسلام المُبكر.
Ashʿab looked at a shaykh with an ugly face and exclaimed: "Did Sulaymân b. Dâwûd not forbid you to come out by day?". Humor is a process related to pleasure and joy, discovering them, savoring them, and creating them. Greek philosophers and doctors believe that the balance of fluids in the human body; It controls health and human emotions, including laughter. But are Arabs or Muslims laughing? We present to the Arab reader the Arabic translation of Franz Rosenthal's book entitled "Humor in Early Islam." This study aims to dispel the opinion held by many people in the Western world that Islam hates humor. This book contains Arabic stories about a character who has become the subject of many jokes and tales, namely the greedy Ashʿab, a singer who lived in the second century A.H./eighth A.D. But his literary and imaginative life continued for a long time. These stories are preceded by research chapters on the textual materials related to humor in Islam, and also on the historical and legendary figures of Ashʿab. The book ends with a short appendix on laughter. Whether the humor will make the modern reader laugh or not; This book is a valuable resource for those seriously interested in the culture of humor in early Islam.
إن الفكاهة عمليَّةٌ متعلقةٌ بالسرور والبهجة واكتشافهما وتذوقهما وإبداعهما. ويذهب الفلاسفة والأطباء اليونانيين إلى أن توازن السوائل في جسم الإنسان؛ يتحكم في الصحة والعواطف البشريَّة، ومنها الضحك. ولكن هل العرب أو المسلمون يضحكون؟ نُقدم للقارئ العربيّ الترجمة العربيَّة لكتاب فرانز روزنثال الموسوم بـ "الفكاهة في الإسلام المُبكر". تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تبديد الرأي، الذي يتبناه الكثير من الناس في العالم الغربيّ، أن "الإسلام" يكره الفُكَاهَة. يحتوي هذا الكتاب على قصصٍ عربيَّةٍ عن شخصيَّةٍ أصبحت موضوعًا للعديد من الفُكاهات والحكايات، وهي شخصيَّة أشعب الطماع، وهو مغنٍ عاش في القرن الثاني الهجري/الثامن الميلاديّ. ولكن حياته الأدبيَّة والخياليَّة ظلت موجودةً لفترةٍ طويلةٍ. وتسبق هذه الحكايات فصولٌ بحثيَّةٍ عن المواد النصيَّة الخاصة بالفكاهة في الإسلام، وأيضًا، عن الشخصيات التأريخيَّة والأسطوريَّة لأشعب. وينتهي الكتاب بملحقٍ قصيرٍ عن الضحك. وسواءً أكانت الفكاهات ستجعل القارئ المعاصر يضحك أم لا؛ فإن هذا الكتاب يُعد مصدرًا قيّمًا لأولئك المهتمين، جديًّا، بثقافة الفكاهة في الإسلام المُبكر.
Ashʿab looked at a shaykh with an ugly face and exclaimed: "Did Sulaymân b. Dâwûd not forbid you to come out by day?". Humor is a process related to pleasure and joy, discovering them, savoring them, and creating them. Greek philosophers and doctors believe that the balance of fluids in the human body; It controls health and human emotions, including laughter. But are Arabs or Muslims laughing? We present to the Arab reader the Arabic translation of Franz Rosenthal's book entitled "Humor in Early Islam." This study aims to dispel the opinion held by many people in the Western world that Islam hates humor. This book contains Arabic stories about a character who has become the subject of many jokes and tales, namely the greedy Ashʿab, a singer who lived in the second century A.H./eighth A.D. But his literary and imaginative life continued for a long time. These stories are preceded by research chapters on the textual materials related to humor in Islam, and also on the historical and legendary figures of Ashʿab. The book ends with a short appendix on laughter. Whether the humor will make the modern reader laugh or not; This book is a valuable resource for those seriously interested in the culture of humor in early Islam.
Contributors: Theodore S. Beers, Jan J. van Ginkel, Beatrice Gründler, Khouloud Khalfallah, Mahmoud Kozae, Rima Redwan, Johannes Stephan, Isabel Toral.
Contributors: Theodore S. Beers, Jan J. van Ginkel, Beatrice Gründler, Khouloud Khalfallah, Mahmoud Kozae, Rima Redwan, Johannes Stephan, Isabel Toral.
Contributors are Ali Atabey, Serpil Atamaz, Lee Beaudoen, Emine Evered, Kyle Evered, Richard Eaton, Ziad Fahmy, Gülsüm Gürbüz-Küçüksarı, Onur İnal, Christine Isom-Verhaaren, Myrsini Manney-Kalogera, Claudia Römer, Alexander Schweig, Gül Şen, Baki Tezcan, Fariba Zarinebaf.